Empower and Fulfill Your Mission with Donorbox CRM

Ready to take your fundraising to the next level with Donorbox CRM, Donorbox’s seamless donor management offering? In this article, we’ll introduce you to Donorbox CRM’s powerful components, including how they can help you build better relationships with your donors and bring in more dollars for your cause.

7 minutes read
Empower and Fulfill Your Mission with Donorbox CRM

46% of nonprofits use a CRM that is separate from their fundraising software, which leads to clunky workflows and inconsistent data. And 33% of nonprofits don’t use a CRM at all, opting instead for outdated spreadsheets and manual donor tracking that limits their ability to sustain real donor relationship building. 

If you fall in one of these two groups, it’s time to update – now! An all-in-one CRM and fundraising solution like Donorbox is the best way to grow donor acquisition and retention rates without burning out your team or your fundraising budget. 

Donorbox CRM stores, tracks, and helps you analyze the data secured through your Donorbox fundraising campaigns and beyond. In this article, we’ll look at everything you need to know about Donorbox CRM, including the benefits of using its powerful components. 

Let’s get started! 

What is a CRM? 

CRM stands for customer or constituent relationship management. It refers to the technology that helps nonprofits manage supporter-related data to secure more donations and grow their impact. 

These days, a nonprofit CRM is crucial for organizations of all sizes, but it’s especially effective for nonprofits focusing on recurring donors, donor cultivation, and donor retention. 

What makes Donorbox CRM different? 

There are many CRM offerings on the market, but none offer the ease, simplicity, and power of Donorbox CRM. 

Donorbox CRM is a robust AI-driven toolkit tailored to meet the needs of nonprofits, enabling them to streamline communication, personalize outreach, and optimize fundraising efforts. Key features include integrated email management, dynamic segmentation, contextual action tracking, and comprehensive donation management.

This CRM was designed by our team of nonprofit experts to be efficient and easy to use while managing the daily tasks every fundraiser must tackle. Donorbox CRM helps nonprofits: 

  • Effectively communicate with donors 
  • Segment their audiences for targeted outreach 
  • Assign tasks to staff so everyone is on the same page 
  • Easily add offline transactions so all data lives in one place 
  • See a supporter’s complete interaction history at a glance 

And more! 

Plus, Donorbox CRM seamlessly collects donations made through your Donorbox fundraising campaigns. So whether you’re crowdfunding, selling tickets, collecting cashless in-person donations with a donation kiosk, or fundraising in some other way, all of your Donorbox donors and donations will appear in the same place. 

From July 1 to September 30, 2024, the Donorbox CRM beta is free for select active Donorbox users to try out! Simply log in to your Donorbox account and access CRM under the “Engage” menu on the left side of your screen. 

Not yet a Donorbox user? Or are you currently a user but do not see the CRM activated on your account? Please fill out this interest form and a member of our team will be in touch.

Screenshot showing how to access the Donorbox CRM from the Donorbox org account dashboard.

Components of Donorbox CRM 

1. Mail Center 

Screenshot showing a message thread in the Donorbox CRM Mail Center

How many times have you gotten distracted navigating from your database to your email to reach out to a donor? This clunky process takes time and energy – and Mail Center is Donorbox CRM’s answer. 

Mail Center allows you to email your supporters directly from your CRM. Once you link your email address, you can read, send, delete, and organize your external email. Plus, you can consolidate multiple inboxes into a single source. 

You can also assign emails to certain team members and view basic information about each supporter as you craft an email to them. This keeps your team moving quickly and efficiently while ensuring your donors receive consistent communication. 

Learn more about Mail Center and how to use it to streamline and improve communications with your donors in this blog.

2. AI Assistant

Screenshot showing the DonationDriver copywriting and data-pulling features.

To revolutionize your fundraising and achieve more with less effort, Donorbox CRM is powered by cutting-edge AI technology. 

Integrated seamlessly into your CRM, AI Assistant streamlines your operations to enable you to stay mission-focused. This sophisticated tool removes the uncertainty from writing impactful fundraising content, empowering you to deliver tailored messages and effective strategic plans. 

Plus, it provides data-driven insights into donor behavior and fundraising strategies, making it easier to make informed decisions. Save time and reduce stress while driving more donations!

3. Groups 

Screenshot showing an example of a group of supporters in Donorbox CRM's Groups function.

Groups is Donorbox CRM’s native segmentation feature that allows you to easily organize your donors based on their unique qualities. 

For example, let’s say you have a donor who is related to one of your board members. He also works for a well-known firm in your area. You can add him to both a family and company Group so he’s included when you pull reports and mailing lists related to both Groups. 

You can also create Groups for more basic segments, like major donors, annual fund supporters, event attendees, and more. The ability to do both means you have the utmost control of your donor data at all times! 

4. Supporter Timeline 

Let’s face it – keeping track of each donor’s history can sometimes feel impossible, especially if your organization is several years old. 

Donorbox CRM’s Supporter Timeline feature allows you to quickly review your supporters’ histories, including outreach/communication, donations, ticket purchases, and more.  

In addition to helping you track your supporters’ giving history, Supporter Timeline provides crucial context for analyzing your fundraising efforts. For example, you can see how many times you have to reach out to a donor before they give again. This indicates their communication preferences and habits so you understand how to better build that relationship in the future. 

Within each supporter’s profile, you can also find a detailed list of transactions, recurring payments, and communications.

Screenshot showing the supporter timeline feature of Donorbox CRM

5. Offline Transactions 

Screenshot showing the Donorbox CRM Transactions page

Although online fundraising is likely already a large component of your total contributed income, there are still several reasons why you may need to add in other types of transactions. 

Donorbox CRM’s Transactions feature not only makes it easy to view all of your transactions in one place, it also allows you to capture all kinds of gifts made to your organization. This includes the following gift types: 

  • In-kind donations like services and donated items. Tracking in-kind donations helps you see the full picture of a donor’s generosity. These types of gifts are also tax deductible, so complete records are necessary for providing donors with proper documentation. 
  • Donation pledges made by supporters. These pledges act as promises to give. Adding these to your CRM allows you to see a fuller picture of your giving for the year. 
  • Soft credits to other supporters who influenced a gift or secured a donation for your organization. Tracking this gives you more insight into who was involved in a donation so you can fully understand where each donation comes from. 
  • Cash and check donations (shown as Regular), helping you better track all of your supporters’ gifts, even those not given digitally. This makes end-of-year reporting much easier for you and your donors, and enables you to get a better sense of the success of your campaigns.Screenshot showing how to add an offline transaction to Donorbox CRM

6. Recurring Payments

Screenshot showing the Recurring Payments section of Donorbox CRM

Recurring donations are the cornerstone of increased donor retention and sustainable growth. Carefully cultivating recurring donors delivers steady, predictable income, valuable donor insights for better strategic planning, and consistent engagement to guide donors into regular contributions. 

Easily manage these dedicated donors in Donorbox CRM by seamlessly handling recurrence intervals, tracking giving behavior, and accessing detailed invoice history. At a glance, you can see the basic details of each recurring payment, including the current interval, amount, and status, then click “Details” to get a more in-depth look at a single recurring donation plan. 

Screenshot showing the details of a recurring payment in the Donorbox CRM

More Coming Soon 

We’re just getting started! Donorbox CRM will soon include several other features, including: 

1. Tasks

Tasks will allow you to create and manage tasks for your team members. This will help you keep your workflows on track and your team organized. 

2. Lightning-fast segmentation 

In just a few clicks, you’ll be able to create supporter segments from your dashboards and reports to better understand your donors and target your outreach. 

3. New and improved Moments 

Donorbox’s Moments feature has helped organizations find the perfect moment to reach out to donors by reminding them of key milestones, such as the anniversary of the first donation or a canceled recurring giving plan. 

Donorbox CRM will soon include new moment options, with an updated and easy-to-use interface.  

4. More reporting templates 

While Donorbox has offered several of the most used reporting templates for some time, the reporting feature will soon be expanded in Donorbox CRM. These new reporting templates will include communication history and more! 

For now, you can access your current reporting templates from the Donorbox dashboard or within the new CRM.

Screenshots showing the Reports feature in Donorbox CRM

Benefits of Donorbox CRM 

Now that you’ve seen the powerful components of Donorbox CRM, let’s look at how they can benefit your fundraising journey. 

1. Understand your donors 

When you understand your donors, you can build better relationships, ultimately leading to more donations. 

Donorbox CRM allows you to add comprehensive details about your donors. This includes a complete profile with the following information: 

  • Name and pronouns 
  • Address 
  • Phone number 
  • Email address 
  • Contact preferences 
  • Social media accounts 
  • Job title and company name 

And more! You can also add custom notes to supporter profiles so you never lose track of valuable information. 

With Groups, you can also organize donors by their various affiliations and qualities, allowing you to see their connections, influences, and potential interests – which allows you to make educated appeals. 

In addition, Supporter Timelines help you track each donor’s interactions with your organization, allowing you to see a full picture of each and every supporter. 

Plus, use AI Assistant to quickly generate lists and reports based on supporter data, demographics and more, with just a simple query.

2. Create better strategies 

Crafting the perfect fundraising strategy is never easy, but the right tools and comprehensive data can make it more so. 

Donorbox CRM helps you strategize smarter by providing a complete picture of your data, whether you’re just starting the fiscal year or reviewing your progress at the start of the third quarter. 

For example, the ability to track pledges by adding offline transactions provides a better view of your fundraising progress. You might have several donors or board members who have pledged to give a certain amount by the end of the year. Seeing these pledges included with your in-hand donations can help you assess your distance to your goal and plan your campaigning accordingly. 

Plus, understanding your donors allows you to develop smarter donor cultivation strategies. For example, if you’re cultivating a donor that is affiliated with the same country club as another of your regular supporters, you can ask them to assist you with making the ask – then give your existing supporter soft credit for the gift! 

3. Communicate smarter 

Communication is at the core of any good relationship – and donor communication is a major task for any fundraiser. Donorbox CRM makes communication seamless and more effective, allowing your donors to feel like they’re always getting your personalized attention. 

Because you can assign email chains to your staff in Mail Center, you’ll no longer be at risk of any donor communications slipping through the cracks. Plus, being able to see important supporter details on the same page as your email chain allows you to craft confident responses and appeals. 

With Groups, you’ll be able to create detailed segments so you can make each outreach as personalized to your unique donors as possible. 

And AI Assistant helps you write this personalized outreach by generating impactful and effective content that you can adapt and use throughout your fundraising efforts. 


Whether you’re new to CRMs or looking to switch to a powerful all-in-one solution, Donorbox CRM offers comprehensive features to help you forge strong relationships and empower your missions. 

At Donorbox, we’re always innovating to produce exceptional tools designed for organizations of all sizes, so there’s always more to come. Learn more about Donorbox CRM and sign up today

For more fundraising tips and guides, check out the rest of our Nonprofit Blog. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the best resources in your inbox every month. 

Lindsey Baker

Lindsey spent years wearing many hats in the nonprofit world. Whether she was helping arts nonprofits with their messaging and content, planning a fundraising gala, writing an NEA grant proposal, or running a membership program with over 400 members, she learned how to navigate – and appreciate! – the fast-paced world of fundraising. Now, she loves sharing those hard-earned lessons with the Donorbox community.

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