Direct Mail Fundraising: Reaching Donors Effectively

If you're running a nonprofit and looking to get the most out of your fundraising direct mail efforts, you've come to the right place. Let's discuss how to create the perfect direct mail campaign and seamlessly incorporate digital elements like online giving forms to maximize your campaign's effectiveness.

6 minutes read
Direct Mail Fundraising: Reaching Donors Effectively

Direct mail fundraising has been a cornerstone of nonprofit outreach for decades. While it might seem like a traditional or even old-school method in today’s digital age, direct mail remains one of the most effective ways to engage donors, especially when you’ve paired it with modern digital fundraising techniques.

Before diving into strategy, we need to address the elephant in the room: is direct mail fundraising still powerful?

The answer is simple — yes.

People love receiving something physical in the mail. There’s a different level of attention given to a well-crafted letter or postcard versus an email, which can be easily buried in the inbox. A recent study backs this up, confirming that 74% of marketers believe direct mail delivers the best ROI, response rate, and conversion rate when compared to other channels, including email.

Supercharge Your Direct Mail Fundraising with Digital Integration

Now that we’ve established that direct mail is still relevant, let’s get to the fun part: boosting its impact with digital integration. Did you know that nonprofit marketing campaigns using direct mail incorporated with digital media experienced a 118% lift in response rate compared to using direct mail only?

But how do you create the perfect fundraising direct mail campaign that incorporates digital elements? Here are the key steps you should take.

Bonus Resource: Watch our webinar on Top 10 Direct Mail Hacks for Nonprofits:

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Step 1: Know Your Audience

Before you even think about designing your fundraising direct mail, it’s essential to understand who you’re targeting. Are you reaching out to long-time donors or potential new supporters? Knowing your audience will shape the tone, imagery, and even the type of “ask” in your campaign. Here are a few audience segments and how they might differ:

  • Loyal Donors: These individuals are familiar with your mission. With them, focus on thanking them for their previous support and showing them how their contributions have made a tangible impact.
  • New Donors: New donors need to be introduced to your cause. In your direct mail, share an emotional story or showcase specific examples of how their gift can create immediate change.
  • Lapsed Donors: These are past donors who haven’t given in a while. Use your mail piece to reconnect with them, mentioning their prior support and asking if they would consider renewing their commitment.

With a clear understanding of who you’re reaching, your messaging will hit the right emotional notes, ensuring you connect with your recipients on a deeper level.

Step 2: Design with the Digital Experience in Mind

Fundraising direct mail is no longer just about the mail itself. The goal should be to drive your donors to take action — and nowadays, most actions happen online. Whether that’s making a donation, watching a video, or registering for an event, your mailer should be designed to lead people from their physical mailbox to your digital space.

So how do you do that?

Include a QR Code

A simple yet effective way to bridge the gap between direct mail and digital fundraising is by adding a QR code. These handy little squares make it easy for recipients to pull out their phones, scan the code, and be instantly directed to your online giving form.

Tips for using a QR code effectively

  • Place it strategically: Make sure the QR code is prominently displayed on your mail piece but doesn’t detract from the message. It should be seen as a tool to make giving easier.
  • Use a strong call to action: Just slapping a QR code onto the paper won’t drive action. Pair it with a clear call-to-action like “Scan to Donate” or “Support Our Cause Now” to let donors know what to expect when they scan.
  • Link directly to your online donation form: When donors scan the code, it should take them straight to a mobile-optimized donation page. Make the process as seamless as possible—no one wants to click through multiple pages.

Donorbox makes it easy

Donorbox gives you a free QR code for every campaign you create. Your QR code takes your donors or potential donors to your donation form or campaign page hosted on Donorbox. It’s simple to use — when you create a campaign on Donorbox, a QR code is generated and added.

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Personalize Your URL (PURL)

Another great way to drive people online is by including a personalized URL (pURL) in your direct mail. A pURL is a unique link that contains the recipient’s name, creating a more personal experience.

For example, instead of sending donors to a generic donation page like, you could send them to This personalized touch increases the likelihood that donors will visit the page and complete the action. Data shows that direct mail campaigns that use pURLs have a 45% higher response rate compared to those that don’t. 

Key benefits of PURLs

  • Personalized experience: It’s all about making your donors feel special. Seeing their name in the URL creates a sense of personal connection.
  • Easier tracking: PURLs allow you to track which recipients are engaging with your content, providing valuable data on the success of your direct mail campaign.

Step 3: Tell a Compelling Story

Storytelling is the heart and soul of any successful direct response fundraising campaign. People don’t just give to organizations—they give to causes and to the individuals impacted by those causes. Your direct mail should tell a story that moves the recipient emotionally and motivates them to act.

Here’s how to craft a compelling story for your direct mail campaign:

  • Start with the problem: What issue are you addressing? Whether it’s hunger, education, or healthcare, your story should begin with the challenge your organization is tackling.
  • Show the solution: How does your nonprofit provide the solution? Share specific examples of programs or initiatives that donors’ support will fund.
  • End with impact: Finally, show the impact of their gift. Use real-life stories and testimonials to illustrate how donor support changes lives.

Once your story is complete, include a direct ask, for example, “Will you help us continue this life-changing work? Scan the QR code below to donate.”

Step 4: Frame an Irresistible Call-to-Action

Your call-to-action (CTA) is where you tell your donor exactly what to do next. Whether it’s “Donate now,” “Support our cause,” or “Make an impact today,” a clear and persuasive CTA is essential.

Effective CTA tips

  • Make it specific: General CTAs like “Donate” don’t inspire action as much as something more specific like “Provide a week’s worth of meals for $25.”
  • Create urgency: Add time-sensitive language like “Donate today to double your impact!” to encourage immediate action.
  • Keep it simple: Don’t confuse your donors with multiple requests. Focus on a single ask—whether it’s donating, visiting your website, or attending an event.

Step 5: Make Your Online Giving Form Mobile-Friendly

Now that you’ve enticed donors to visit your online giving form, the form itself must be mobile-friendly. Why? Because a significant portion of your audience will likely access it via their smartphone, especially if they’re scanning a QR code.

A mobile-friendly form should be:

  • Short and simple: Limit the number of fields required to complete the donation process.
  • Easy to navigate: Ensure all buttons are large enough to be easily tapped on a small screen.
  • Secure: Donors want to feel confident that their payment information is safe. Clearly display security measures and certifications.

Donation form Best practices: We’ve taken the guesswork out of mastering your donation in this handy guide!

Step 6: Integrate Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful motivator. When donors see that others are contributing to your cause, they’re more likely to join in. One effective way to incorporate social proof into your fundraising direct mail campaign is by featuring testimonials from real supporters, board members, or beneficiaries.

You can also integrate this concept digitally by:

  • Displaying a donation goal meter: A fundraising thermometer is a great way to display how many people have donated or how much has been raised so far.
  • Add a donor wall: Include a donor wall section on your donation page where recent donors’ names are displayed (with their permission, of course).

Step 7: Track and Analyze Campaign Results

Once your direct mail campaign is out in the world, it’s time to track your results. Here’s what you should be measuring:

  • Response rate: How many people took action based on your direct mail piece?
  • Conversion rate: Of those who visited your online giving form, how many actually completed a donation?
  • Average donation amount: Track the average gift size to better understand your donors’ giving capacity.

Use this data to refine your future campaigns. For example, if a high percentage of donors are dropping off before completing their donation, it might be worth revisiting the design of your online giving form.

Step 8: Thank Your Donors (Promptly!)

Once your direct mail campaign wraps up and donations start pouring in, don’t forget to thank your donors. A prompt, personalized thank-you message can reinforce your relationship and encourage future support.

Whether it’s a thank-you note in the mail or an automated email triggered after their online donation, expressing gratitude is a crucial part of the fundraising cycle.

Direct Mail Fundraising for the Digital Age

Direct mail fundraising is far from dead. In fact, when paired with digital tools like QR codes, pURLs, and optimized donation forms, it can be more powerful than ever. By blending the old with the new, you can create engaging, responsive campaigns that meet donors where they are—whether that’s in their mailbox or on their mobile phone.

With these best practices in mind, your direct mail fundraising campaign can strengthen budding donor relationships.

Donorbox can help you every step of the way. Our powerful CRM makes it easy for you to track, manage, and communicate with donors. Plus, features like peer-to-peer fundraising, our Crowdfunding Platform, and our powerful donation form and donation page builders place robust digital fundraising tools at your fingertips.

Learn about Donorbox’s fundraising features chosen by 80,000+ organizations in 96 countries across the globe. Get started today – for free!

For more tips about donor management, communication, emails, letters, etc., check out the Donorbox Nonprofit Blog. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a curated list of our best resources in your inbox every month.

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Nicole’s professional background is rooted in the nonprofit sector, where she’s honed her skills in communications, marketing, and fundraising. She has extensive experience in various fields, such as social media, content strategy, public relations, and more. Nicole has a deep passion for writing, editing, and gaining knowledge about the many causes that tirelessly advocate for essential societal change.

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