Donorbox + Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT: New Integration for Powerful Data Management

Data can make all the difference in the world when it comes to engaging supporters and beneficiaries. While data is easy to collect, it’s not always as easy to manage, much less learn valuable information from, right? Donorbox has officially teamed up with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT to help you seamlessly gather, manage, and utilize data to your advantage.

7 minutes read
Donorbox + Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT: New Integration for Powerful Data Management

Data can make all the difference in the world when it comes to engaging your supporters and beneficiaries. It can provide insights into everything from how well your marketing and fundraising campaigns are performing to when, how, and how often you should be reaching out to your donors. 

But, while data is easy to collect, it’s not always as easy to manage, much less learn valuable information from, right? 

It doesn’t have to be that way. When you have powerful tools on your side, it’s simple to become familiar – and maybe even friends – with data! 

Donorbox has officially teamed up with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT to bring you supreme functionality when it comes to raising funds AND storing all of the information that comes with collecting donations, selling tickets, establishing membership programs, and more.

This native Donorbox and Blackbaud integration allows you to seamlessly gather, manage, and utilize data to your advantage, helping you grow your nonprofit and expand your mission.

We’ll share more about the ground-breaking Blackbaud integration in this blog as we cover:

  1. Donor data management and why you need it
  2. What is Raiser’s Edge NXT? 
  3. The benefits of Donorbox + Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT
  4. How to integrate Donorbox + Raiser’s Edge NXT with ease 

Why do I need donor data management?

Whether you know it or not, your organization is collecting data from a variety of sources all day, every day. From social media to your website to your donation form – and far beyond – you now have access to more data than ever before.

But what do you do with all of this data? 

Proper donor data management makes it possible for you to aggregate your donor data into one central location. It creates a single source of truth that can help you make actionable decisions about marketing, fundraising, building your programs, and much more. This saves you time, as you are able to see all of your relevant pieces of information in one location. 

And why do you need all of this information?

Having access to data – and learning how to read and understand it – can make a big difference in your organization’s strategy. When you can see who your donors are, when they give, and why, you can take informed steps to better reach them where they are at and with messaging that will appeal to them.

This will help you be more intentional, engaging, and effective with your fundraising efforts and marketing campaigns, in turn enabling you to raise more critical funds that will further your mission. 

What is Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT?

Blackbaud is a cloud software company committed to producing solutions specifically for nonprofits. They aim to maximize the impact of the organizations they serve through powerful tools that manage and analyze donor data, enhance fundraising and marketing efforts, and much more.

Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT (or RE NXT, for short) is a fundraising and constituent relationship management (CRM) platform designed for mid-sized to large-scale nonprofits. It is a robust system, offering a detailed look at donor data, as well as providing several tools to use it; such as the ability to create integrated marketing campaigns across email, social media, direct mail and more, all within RE NXT itself. 

Their intuitive reporting capabilities and dashboards enable you to track key metrics over time on a granular level, including donor and volunteer retention, donor acquisition, and major gift prospects. You also have the ability to add notes and track tasks in donor profiles, as well as create segments of donors based on similar characteristics. RE NXT helps you find the trends and opportunities to take your organization to the next level. 

Introducing: Donorbox + Blackback Raiser’s Edge NXT | The Benefits

Combining Donorbox’s best-in-class fundraising software with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT through this native integration will enable you to better connect with your donors.

Starting with a simple-to-use yet powerful donation form and continuing into a robust data management, marketing, and analytics platform, this native Blackbaud integration offers an end-to-end solution.  This is the perfect fit for those looking to take their fundraising to the next level. 

1. Easily and Quickly Transfer Data to Access Critical Insights

The seamless Donorbox + Raiser’s Edge NXT integration allows you to flow data collected through your Donorbox campaigns directly into RE NXT.

No matter what combination of Donorbox fundraising tools you are using, your data will appear in RE NXT in near-real time. 

And, because RE NXT is cloud-based, you can access this data from everywhere, anywhere, and at any time. 

2. Customize Your Detailed Data Organization

RE NXT is entirely customizable, enabling you to not only store your data but view it in a way that works best for you and your organization.

The platform offers easy-to-use templates as well as the ability to create your own reports, which makes it possible for you to view your data as granular as your needs require. 

You can also more quickly identify gaps in your information, such as missing contact information or giving history, and fix it as needed. 

3. Cultivate and Build Donor Relationships

With the level of data organization and analysis offered by Donorbox + RE NXT, you can identify insightful patterns among your donors.

You also have the ability to more easily segment your donors based on these patterns and similarities you find in their characteristics, looking at everything from demographics to giving history. 

By segmenting your donors, you can more effectively communicate  with them based on tactics and messaging proven to positively engage them. This empowers you to cultivate current donor relationships, turning them into long-term supporters, as well as gain new donors through targeted outreach. 

4. Engage Your Donors (and Keep Them Engaged!)

Speaking of engaging your donors – RE NXT makes it possible for you to do so directly within their platform. Within RE NXT, you will find several cultivation and outreach tools, including dynamic email campaigns, the ability to post to social media, direct mail capabilities, and more. 

And, because all of these tools are connected directly to RE NXT, you can easily track which donors received which communications, as well as engagement data such as open rates, clickthroughs, and more.

How to Integrate Donorbox and Raiser’s Edge NXT

Integrating Donorbox and Raiser’s Edge NXT is simple. Follow the steps below, and you’ll be well on your way to better fundraising and data management.

Step 1: Set Up Your Free Donorbox Account

If you haven’t already, set up your free Donorbox account here.

There are no set-up or contracted fees. The platform fee for our Standard plan starts at just 1.75% which can be even lower if you upgrade to our Pro and Premium plans.

Step 2: Sign Up for Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT 

Click here to learn more about Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT and to set up your nonprofit for CRM success today, if you do not yet have an account.

Due to the varied needs of each nonprofit, Blackbaud will offer custom pricing to your organization. 

Step 3: Log in to RE NXT as an Environment Admin

In order to add Donorbox to your RE NXT account, you first need to log in as an environment administrator. If you are not a current admin, then an existing admin needs to log in to their account.

Open the hamburger menu (three lines) on the top left of the RE NXT portal and select the Admin panel. 

From there, the admin visits the Settings menu, selects the Environments option, and clicks “Invite environment admin.” They will be directed to invite you to become an environment admin.

Step 4: Connect Donorbox in RE NXT

As the environment admin, select the hamburger menu on the top left of the RE NXT portal and click “Marketplace,” as is shown in the screenshot below.

blackbaud marketplace


In the top menu, select “Manage.” Then, click the “Connect app” button.


blackbaud connect app

In the box that appears, enter the following Donorbox + Blackbaud application ID: 9eab4afb-c406-4a61-9b4c-ae877fcfa64f. Click “Continue.”

A follow-up screen will appear, and you will then need to select the “Connect” button. 

You have now authorized Donorbox to connect to your RE NXT portal – next, you will connect RE NXT inside your Donorbox account.

Step 5: Connect RE NXT in Donorbox

Log in to your Donorbox account and find the “Add-Ons” drop-down in the left-hand navigation menu on your dashboard.

Expand this drop-down and select “RE NXT Integration.”

On the Raiser’s Edge NXT Integration add-on page, shown below, you simply need to select the “Activate” button. 

blackbaud integration with Donorbox

Step 6: Authorize Your Donorbox + RE NXT Connection

After clicking the button to activate the connection between Donorbox and RE NXT, you will be redirected to a secure Blackbaud login screen. Enter your RE NXT login credentials here and sign in. 

Upon signing in, you will be taken to an authorization screen, where you need to authorize your RE NXT connection with Donorbox.

Click “Authorize” and your connection will be complete – you will be automatically redirected to the Raiser’s Edge NXT mappings page on Donorbox.

authorize connection page

Standard Mappings

This native integration takes care of all required mappings for you, including Donorbox campaigns, donations, supporters, and recurring donations. The integration will automatically map donation data to Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Gift, Constituent, and Recurring Gift fields.


Donorbox Donation FieldRaiser's Edge NXT Gift Field
Donation DateDate
Payment MethodPayment Method


Donorbox Donor FieldRaiser's Edge NXT Constituent Field
First NameFirst
Last NameLast
AddressAddress Lines
Zip CodePostal Code

Recurring Gift:

Donorbox Donation FieldRaiser's Edge NXT Recurring Gift Field
Donation DateDonation Date
Payment MethodPayment Method
Plan IntervalFrequency
First Donation DateStart Date

Custom Mappings

If needed, now is the time to set up any and all custom mappings you may need using the optional custom fields provided.

Note that this step will only be necessary for you if you have a need for custom mappings. These are all extra data points and the integration will work without these mappings too. If needed, a Donorbox expert can help with this step!

From this point on, your integration is active and every new donation will be in sync with your Blackbaud RE NXT account. It really is that simple!


It is completely free to sign up for Donorbox – the platform fee starts at 1.75% (for the Standard plan) and there’s a small processing fee applied to each donation. But you have the option to upgrade to our Pro plan at just $139/month to reduce the platform fee down to 1.5% for most features and only 2% for Events, Text-to-Give, and Peer-to-Peer. You can check out these as well as our other plans Premium Edge and Premium Signature on the pricing page here.

Blackbaud’s pricing structure is unique and based on each organization’s needs, so you will need to speak to a Blackbaud representative directly. 

To activate the Blackbaud RE NXT integration, your account will be charged an add-on fee of $65 a month. However, there is no contract and you can cancel it at any time! All add-on fees are pro-rated for the month ahead on the second of that month.

Final Thoughts

Data is your friend! And combining the powers of Donorbox with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT will make it easier for you to manage your donor information, and use it to engage and build better relationships with your supporters. 

This native, seamless Blackbaud integration with Donorbox gives you access to best-in-class fundraising software and innovative data management. 

Follow the steps above to connect Donorbox with RE NXT today, or email for further assistance. 

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Kara has several years of experience in communications and marketing for nonprofit organizations. Her love for serving others began while fundraising for and attending mission trips. She then worked with multiple local nonprofits through various marketing agencies and volunteer opportunities before becoming a communications manager at Variety the Children's Charity of St. Louis for more than four years. Kara now specializes in writing and enjoys sharing her experiences and knowledge with others on this platform.

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