Corporations worldwide are struggling with employees demanding remote work by offering hybrid offices. A similar thing is going...
Kristine Ensor
A study found that 55% of people who learn about an organization on social media end up taking...
The term "nonprofit" encompasses many different types of organizations. Some of these differences have to do with who...
Marketing and Content plans are vital for nonprofits hoping to increase their revenue. Nonprofits cannot rely solely on...
Global temperatures are climbing. Ice caps are melting, droughts, wildfires, and super hurricanes are tearing their way across...
Ilma Ibrisevic
Churches who want to add technology to their services often face objections from long-time church members and leaders....
Donor loyalty is the ideal all nonprofits are looking for, but our actions often do not encourage it....
There are 27 different types of 501(c) nonprofit organizations defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that are...
Like any company, your nonprofit needs to file payroll correctly. You could get into serious legal trouble if...
Guest Author
At first glance, a fundraiser is hired to throw events, find sponsors, and in general, raise more funds....