

Raviraj heads the sales and marketing team at Donorbox. His growth-hacking abilities have helped Donorbox boost fundraising efforts for thousands of nonprofit organizations.

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How To Embed Recurring Donation Form on Jimdo: Step-By-Step Guide

How To Embed Recurring Donation Form on Jimdo: Step-By-Step Guide

Jimdo is a robust, mobile responsive website builder that now hosts over 15 million websites! It offers a free basic...

How To Embed Recurring Donation Forms on WordPress

How To Embed Recurring Donation Forms on WordPress

To install recurring donation forms (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual) on your WordPress site, there is no better solution than Donorbox....

How To Accept Recurring Donations with Moonfruit and Donorbox

How To Accept Recurring Donations with Moonfruit and Donorbox

Moonfruit is a subscription-based web hosting service, which currently offers versions in both English and French. It has a simple,...

11 Creative Fundraising Ideas

11 Creative Fundraising Ideas

Is your nonprofit struggling to come up with fundraising ideas that are a little bit different from the norm? Often,...

How to Use Matrix Maps To Identify Organizational Impact

How to Use Matrix Maps To Identify Organizational Impact

Nonprofits must use their resources wisely and effectively to remain in operation. Doing that requires seeing which programs have the...

How to Get the Most Out of a Nonprofit Conference

How to Get the Most Out of a Nonprofit Conference

Networking can seem like a daunting endeavor, even to the most experienced nonprofit professionals. There's a lot to navigate when...

7  Actionable Tips to Promote Your Nonprofit on Facebook

7 Actionable Tips to Promote Your Nonprofit on Facebook

As one of the most popular social media platforms, Facebook can help your non-profit engage with supporters and promote your...

A Complete Guide to Gift Aid for UK-Based Charities

A Complete Guide to Gift Aid for UK-Based Charities

If you’re a UK-based charity, you can enable Gift Aid to maximize your donations. This is a simple way to...

How Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Affects Nonprofits

How Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Affects Nonprofits

Strong Customer Authentication, better known as SCA, regulations took effect on 14 September 2019. Not to worry, Donorbox has you...

How to Effectively Segment Your Donors and Audiences 

How to Effectively Segment Your Donors and Audiences 

Most nonprofits can't survive without fundraising, or at least not for very long. Appealing to donors and increasing the chances...

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