10 Muslim Charities to Trust with Your Zakat this Ramadan

Interested in which Muslim charities you can donate zakat to? We’ve compiled our list of the top 10 most trustworthy Islamic charities that accept zakat, an important pillar of the Islamic faith. Read on to learn more!

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10 Muslim Charities to Trust with Your Zakat this Ramadan

If you’re overwhelmed by the number of Muslim charities and wondering which one you should give zakat to this Ramadan, look no further. In this article, we’ll list the top 10 most trustworthy Islamic charity organizations accepting zakat – and using it to make a profound impact!

Let’s dive in.

Top 10 Trustworthy Muslim Charities to Donate Zakat to During Ramadan

More than six million people across 26 countries have already benefited from zakat and sadaqah since 2017!

Check out these top 10 Islamic charity organizations using Donorbox to make it easy for the ummah to give zakat during the Holy Month.

1. Qalam Institute

Qalam Institute is an Islamic educational facility and masjid based in Texas.

Since 2009, Qalam has been providing access to Islamic knowledge through workshops, seminars, online programs, and more.

It has also established the Qalam Seminary, which strives to create educated Muslims and community leaders through education, spiritual development, and fellowship.

If you donate to this Muslim charity, your zakat will help support and sponsor accepted Seminary students eligible to receive zakat. Qalam doesn’t use zakat for operational or institutional costs – instead, your zakat will go to allowing deserving students to earn an Islamic education.

See how Qalam uses Donorbox’s multi-step donation form to help Muslims give zakat online:

Screenshot of muslim charity Qalam Institute's zakat donation page with an embedded Donorbox donation form

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2. Islamic Ummah Relief

Screenshot of Islamic Ummah Relief's homepage showing how their Muslim charity helps the needy

Islamic Ummah Relief (IUR) is an Islamic charity organization that has helped provide relief for over 300,000 beneficiaries. This Muslim charity focuses on humanitarian and relief activities in the U.S., Ghana, Nigeria, Niger, and Uganda by creating long-term developmental programs.

These developmental programs help provide sustainable living conditions for poor communities, needy widows, and orphans.

Their focus areas include:

  • Clean water
  • Zero hunger
  • Orphan sponsorship
  • Infrastructure

You can give zakat to the IUR by visiting their zakat donation page. Your zakat will be used to help poor and needy people living in Africa.

3. Muslim Community of Knoxville

Established in 1982, the Muslim Community of Knoxville provides religious, social, and educational services to enable the Muslim community to fulfill its responsibilities while contributing to American society and Knoxville.

They have various programs and community initiatives available, including assistance with free medical care and food support. They also offer social services, like counseling, homeless help, and elderly care, and assist homeless women who lack basic living essentials.

This is a good option if you’re looking for some of the best Islamic charities in the U.S.

You can give zakat by visiting their dedicated donation page.

Screenshot of Islamic charity organization, the Muslim Community of Knoxville's zakat charity page with Donorbox embedded donation form

4. Sahaba Initiative

Sahaba Initiative was born from a humble group of students who initiated a food drive for the homeless in 2009.

They have since become a fundamental Muslim charity based in California providing a host of programs and services to the needy. These include mental health services, a Food and Wellness Center, Emergency Financial Assistance, and Refugee Support Services.

Their programs and services aim to create healthier communities by providing medical care, housing, food, education, and mentorship.

You can donate zakat to this Islamic charity organization by visiting their zakat donation page.

We love how they’ve included a touching video on their donation page showcasing the impact of their work and your donations to help those in need!

Screenshot of Sahaba Initative's donation page featuring an embedded Donorbox donation form to accept Muslim charity donations.

Set Up Your Donation Form

5. Muslim American Community Association

The Muslim American Community Association (MACA) is an Islamic charity facilitating religious development and social, educational, and cultural enrichment. Their offerings are based on the principles and teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah.

MACA was established in 2001. Its Voorhees Islamic Center serves communities in South Jersey on the principles of peace and unity.

Screenshot of the Muslim American Community Association's homepage providing information about this trusted Islamic charity organization based in New Jersey.

MACA supports the local community through educational programs that foster Islamic knowledge. They also host community-wide events that encourage connection, interfaith dialogue, and social activities.

Zakat funds are distributed year-round to zakat-eligible recipients, including the poor, needy, and new Muslims, following Islamic guidelines. MACA has a dedicated committee that identifies deserving individuals to ensure your zakat goes to those most in need.

You can visit their donation page to give zakat faithfully.

Screenshot of MACA's donation page with an embedded Donorbox donation form for collecting zakat as an Islamic charity organization

6. Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland

The Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland (ICCI) aims to preserve the Islamic identity and allow Muslims to fulfill their duties. This Muslim charity organization facilitates a variety of services to Muslims and the general public. These include clothes banks to assist people living in extreme poverty, translation services, a public library, Arabic education, and more.

The clothes banks are independently run by Islamic Relief Ireland and Human Appeal Clothes Banks and are made available at the ICCI.

Other programs include community welfare initiatives, such as addressing domestic violence, and referral services for community members regarding housing, counseling, and more.

We love how they’ve provided a concise explanation of zakat alongside their branded donation form. You can give zakat to the ICCI so it can assist impoverished community members here.

Screenshot of ICCI's zakat donation page featuring an embedded Donorbox donation form

7. Al-Medina Education Center

The Al-Medina Education Center (MEC) was established in 2009 and is based in Newark, California. They provide spiritual, social, and educational services to the local community and communities abroad.

This Islamic charity runs its Al Qamar Academy, which offers Islamic teachings to students of all ages. It also offers food distribution services and professional development courses.

You can support this masjid by donating zakat towards its operation, which offers scholarship programs and educational facilities.

Here is their donation page, hosted on Donorbox:

Screenshot of Al-Medina Education Center's donation page featuring an embedded Donorbox donation form

8. Majlis Ash-Shura: Islamic Leadership Council of New York

Founded in 1989, Majlis Ash-Shura of New York is an umbrella Islamic charity organization for over 90 mosques and organizations. It represents and advocates for Muslims in New York and beyond, ensuring fair treatment.

It also empowers the Muslim community by investing in initiatives across youth and education, women’s leadership, socio-economic development, and social and racial justice.

They’ve utilized a Donorbox pop-up donation form to streamline the process of giving zakat:

Screenshot of Majlis Ash-Shura of New York's popup Donorbox donation form

Pay your zakat by visiting their website.

9. Michigan Islamic Institute

The Michigan Islamic Institute was founded in 2013 as a full-time nonprofit school. It offers two separate Islamic curricula, alongside in-classroom secular learning for grades 5-12.

Screenshot of a Muslim charity's website.

Their academic programs meet the Michigan State Curriculum and Standards. This Islamic charity also provides students with SAT prep resources and practice. Their vision includes providing opportunities for students to acquire a quality education.

Community-wide support helps fund this Muslim charity’s educational programs and ensures it can provide resources to students and community members.

You can donate zakat by visiting their donation page.

10. Southend Mosque

Founded in 1976, the Southend Mosque caters to the spiritual, religious, and communal needs of local Muslims in the United Kingdom. They do this through the nurturing of Islamic faith and values, and serving the local community through charity, worship, education, outreach, and civic engagement.

The mosque runs its Scouts program at the Southend Masjid, which provides nearly half a million 4- to 25-year-olds with skills for school, college, university, and the world of work.

This is one of the reputable Muslim charities providing children and adults with Islamic education. It also runs community-wide events to drive religious and cultural knowledge.

Southend Mosque also has an iCare food hub and distributes gift hampers to local service providers, like fire stations.

You can give zakat to this Muslim charity and indicate whether it forms part of the U.K. Gift Aid using their Donorbox donation form:

Screenshot of Southend Mosque's Donorbox donation form

Launch Your Ramadan Fundraiser

What is Zakat?

As one of the five pillars of Islam, zakat is a form of sadaqah (charity) to help assist those in need. If you practice Islam, then you are obligated to give zakat.

If your wealth exceeds the nisab threshold within one lunar year, you must pay zakat. The nisab threshold is the total wealth you have before giving zakat. You must give away 2.5% of your excess to the needy if your wealth exceeds the nisab based on the market value of gold (87.48 grams).

Your zakat is accepted by many Muslim charities – and can have a powerful impact by helping the needy.

How to calculate zakat before donating to Muslim charities

You can calculate the value of zakat you owe with the following steps:

  1. Research the market value of gold per gram to establish the nisab threshold.
  2. Add the cash assets you own (at home and in the bank).
  3. Include the value of your investments and shares (if any).
  4. Add the value of any business holdings, plus potential liabilities, like debt.

Once you have these numbers handy, you can use our convenient zakat calculator to determine how much zakat to give.

Over to You

With so many incredible Islamic charities out there, we hope this article has helped you decide where to give your zakat faithfully.

If you are an Islamic charity, you can streamline giving zakat for your ummah using our robust donation forms. You can also utilize our other powerful fundraising tools, like Crowdfunding, Peer-to-Peer, and the Donorbox Live™ Kiosk.

More than 100,000 organizations across 96 countries have already raised over $3 billion using the Donorbox fundraising and donor management platform – and you can, too!

Sign up today to ensure your ummah can give to your Muslim charity or masjid easily!

For free fundraising ideas and resources, visit our Nonprofit Blog, YouTube Channel, and Donorbox Library. Don’t forget to subscribe to our monthly newsletter for fresh fundraising tips sent to your inbox.

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Jamy-Lee has over 7 years of experience in copywriting and content marketing. With a background in volunteering, she now uses her passion for writing to help accelerate the all-important missions of nonprofits worldwide.

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