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Crowdfunding Storytelling For a Successful Campaign

Crowdfunding Storytelling For a Successful Campaign

Crowdfunding is a powerful way to raise donations and boost your nonprofit fundraising. It is becoming an increasingly...

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How to Hire and Retain Professional Fundraisers For Your Nonprofit | Step-by-Step

How to Hire and Retain Professional Fundraisers For Your Nonprofit | Step-by-Step

Fundraising is a non-negotiable for all nonprofits. All nonprofits need to raise funds in order to survive and...

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100+ Best Fundraising Ideas for Everyone in 2024

100+ Best Fundraising Ideas for Everyone in 2024

Are you looking for fresh, inventive, and effective fundraising ideas for your nonprofit organization? Look no further! We...

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Crowdfunding for Nonprofits: Top Strategies & Tactics

Crowdfunding for Nonprofits: Top Strategies & Tactics

The financial stability of most nonprofit organizations is dependent upon fundraising, which may include special events, grant writing,...

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26 Donation Page Best Practices For Nonprofits – Tips and Examples

26 Donation Page Best Practices For Nonprofits – Tips and Examples

More often than not, donations are the lifeline of nonprofit organizations. They are pivotal in furthering your impact...

Ilma Ibrisevic

Become Successful at Legacy Fundraising: 12 Key Insights and Tips

Become Successful at Legacy Fundraising: 12 Key Insights and Tips

Stephen Pidgeon states in his book How To Love Your Donors to Death that the average amount of a...

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20 Simple Yet Powerful Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits

20 Simple Yet Powerful Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits

It's no secret that virtual fundraising is in right now – and that it won't be out anytime...

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How to Attract the Best Volunteers [And Keep Them]

How to Attract the Best Volunteers [And Keep Them]

Volunteers are a crucial element to any successful nonprofit. With each shift they volunteer for, they bring their...

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14 Best Socially Responsible Companies Making an Impact

14 Best Socially Responsible Companies Making an Impact

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a growing trend for businesses. It’s also a great way for nonprofits to...

Sally Aquire

How to Create a Popup Donation Form in Wix

How to Create a Popup Donation Form in Wix

If you are using Wix to build your website, you can still add a popup donation form on...

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