Donorbox now optionally allows you to sync your event campaigns, ticket purchases, and donations made along with the ticket purchases to your Salesforce org. Now not only your donation data but your events and ticketing data will flow through to your connected Salesforce instance too. How are Donorbox events & tickets synced to Salesforce Donorbox…
Donorbox now optionally allows you to sync your event campaigns, ticket purchases, and donations made along with the ticket purchases to your Salesforce org. Now not only your donation data but your events and ticketing data will flow through to your connected Salesforce instance too.
How are Donorbox events & tickets synced to Salesforce
Donorbox creates a new event campaign in Salesforce only when a ticket purchase happens in Donorbox on that particular event. So if you have created an event in Donorbox and are wondering why it’s not showing up in your Salesforce campaigns just yet, you know the reason now. The events & ticketing sync is an optional feature that can be enabled from your Salesforce integration page in the Donorbox dashboard.
Our integration uses the following 4 Salesforce objects for pushing the events and tickets information to Salesforce:
When the first purchase on an event is made, Donorbox pushes the data to the connected Salesforce account. We first check if that particular campaign is present in Salesforce. If it’s not present, a new event is created in Salesforce and the purchased tickets are pushed to that campaign. If the campaign is already there in Salesforce, we still check whether any fields of the campaign need to be updated before the tickets are to be synced with Salesforce.
The following fields are updated by the integration on the Salesforce objects during the sync:
Campaign Name
Start Date
Account Name
Mailing Address
Opportunity Owner
Opportunity Name
Account Name
Primary Campaign Source
Close Date
Accounts are created by Salesforce itself when the contact is created and we just link the corresponding household account to the contact that is created by the integration.
The integration searches for the corresponding contact based on the email address of the ticket purchaser before creating a new contact in Salesforce. It is important to note that multiple opportunities are created in Salesforce if a buyer purchases more than 1 ticket together in Donorbox. We create an opportunity record for each ticket purchased in Donorbox. We also sync the donations made along with ticket purchases in Salesforce. The sync for these donations works exactly like the sync of normal one-time donations to Salesforce. You can find more about the Donorbox – Salesforce sync here.
The integration takes care of all the required fields on the above-mentioned objects but we still provide more data points that can be mapped to the accounts, contacts, or opportunity object fields. The following optional fields become available to you when you enable the Salesforce Events sync and these can be mapped based on your org’s requirements. The integration works without these fields too so it is not mandatory to map all these fields:
Enable the Events Sync
You can enable the events and ticketing sync to Salesforce by going to the Salesforce integration page and clicking the toggle for “Salesforce Events Sync”.
Please feel free to reach out to our Support if you have any questions or confusion about this.