Donorbox Custom Domain – Display Your Campaigns under Your Own Website Subdomain

Donorbox Custom Domain is a powerful way to boost your brand presence and increase donors' trust and confidence in your organization. You will be able to display your Donorbox fundraising campaigns under your own website subdomain, thus making it easy and straightforward for people to give without being redirected to a page outside of your website! And it's also simple to get started - learn more in this article.

5 minutes read
Donorbox Custom Domain – Display Your Campaigns under Your Own Website Subdomain

donorbox custom domain

At Donorbox, we have always helped you create effective fundraising campaigns on our platform. Now, we’re taking your branding with these campaigns to the next level!

Donorbox Custom Domain empowers your nonprofit to display your Donorbox campaigns under your own website subdomain. This means your valuable supporters won’t be redirected to a page outside of your website. This is not only convenient on their end but also helps boost their confidence and trust in your organization. Plus, your nonprofit’s branding gets a significant boost!

Custom Domain is available with Donorbox Premium. If you haven’t yet subscribed to it, you can learn more and book a demo here. Along with Custom Domain, Premium offers you personalized support, expert coaching services, high-end tools, advanced tracking and analytics, crypto and stock donations, and more.

Book a Demo for Donorbox Premium!

In this article, we’ll talk about how Donorbox Custom Domain helps your nonprofit, how it works, and how easily you can get started.

Donorbox Custom Domain – How It Works

donorbox custom domain - adding your donorbox campaigns under your website subdomain

Sign Up for Custom Domain

Donorbox Custom Domain is the simplest way to keep your potential donors and existing supporters on your website and accept donations via Donorbox campaigns.

And, you know what’s even better – custom domain pages are compatible with Donorbox UltraSwift™ Pay which means you can accept donations via digital wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay. Venmo, PayPal, etc.!

Getting started is simple. If you’ve signed up for Donorbox Premium, you can start right away. If you haven’t, please book your demo today!

Then, you can easily activate “Custom Domain” on your Donorbox account and enter the subdomain and website domain name on the tool to get started. The whole setup (detailed steps below) takes no more than 24 hours and then, your custom domain will be up and running.

You can also anytime restart the process to choose a different custom domain by deleting the existing one. Simple, isn’t it?

On the other hand, for your donors, the giving experience is straightforward and smooth. When they want to give, they come to your own website subdomain where they find your Donorbox fundraising campaign and swiftly make a donation.

Ready to get started? Learn the steps in the following section!

5 Steps to Getting Started with Donorbox Custom Domain

1. Sign up for Donorbox Premium

If you’re new to Donorbox, go to our Pricing page on the website to get an overview of Donorbox Premium and book a demo from there.

You can also explore all of Premium’s offerings from this dedicated page. Rest assured that you’ll be offered customized pricing based on your nonprofit’s budget and needs.

donorbox pricing page to sign up for donorbox pro and premium

If you’re an existing Donorbox user that is yet to subscribe to Premium, click here to book a demo with an Inquiry Form. And if you’re a Donorbox Premium user already, you’re all set to get started with the next step right away!

Looking for guidance on how to create a campaign on Donorbox? Follow the simple steps in our step-by-step guide or check out our YouTube video.

2. Initiate the activation of Custom Domain

Once you have a Donorbox Premium subscription in place, go to “Integrations & Add-ons” on your Donorbox account and click “Custom Domain”.

finding custom domain on your donorbox account

Now, click “Create Custom Domain” on the page that loads.

custom domain add-on page on donorbox account

Get Started Now - Sign Up!

3. Enter your subdomain and website domain

Next, you will enter your subdomain and website domain.

Your custom domain must comprise a subdomain and your website domain under which the Donorbox campaigns will be displayed. Here’s how it should look –

enter your subdomain and website domain in the tool

In the below screenshot, find an example of how it can be done.

getting started with donorbox custom domain

Once done, click “Save Custom Domain”.

4. Add DNS records

As the next step, you’ll be required to create three DNS records at your domain provider: one CName record and two TXT records. As you can see in the image below, Donorbox provides the Host/Name and the Value for each of these records. You’ll be able to copy them.

adding DNS records to activate custom domain on donorbox

This page also includes useful details and instructions to help you add the DNS records at your domain provider, as shown below.

donorbox provides instructions on how to add DNS records at your website registrar

Here are a few links to find information on adding DNS records for your domain provider:

If your DNS provider is not listed above, search with the keyword “[domain provider name] add a custom domain DNS”.

Important note: Please make sure that you’ve removed any existing conflicting CName and TXT records for your subdomain in your DNS settings. This will make for a smoother Custom Domain activation experience.

5. Your Custom Domain is ready!

Once the DNS records are created, it will take up to 24 hours for the updates to be propagated. Donorbox will detect them automatically and this page will be updated.

You’ll see that your DNS status is successful and that your Custom Domain is up and running.

DNS verification is successful at donorbox - donorbox automatically detects your DNS records

That’s all! You can now display your Donorbox campaigns under your own website subdomain to earn your supporters’ confidence in your fundraising efforts and boost your brand presence.

how it looks to have your donorbox fundraising campaigns under your own website subdomain

Create Custom Domain - Sign Up Now!


Being able to display your fundraising campaigns under your website subdomain has many benefits. Your supporters will find it convenient to give without being redirected to another page outside of your website. You, as a nonprofit, will have an enhanced brand presence online.

Naturally, this seamless integration between your website and Donorbox campaigns will elevate your fundraising and take donor relationships to the next level.

Get started with Donorbox Custom Domain by following the simple steps in this article. Get in touch with our support team at if you need more assistance.

Learn about Donorbox’s products and features on the website. Check out Premium and our other plans. Sign up to start fundraising like a pro today!

For more product guides and other articles on fundraising and donor management, please explore our Nonprofit Blog. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to receive a curated list of our best resources in our inbox.

Bonus Resource: Watch this video series on donation page best practices:

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to get trending fundraising ideas and strategies from nonprofit experts every week!

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1. Which organizations can access Donorbox Custom Domain feature?

All organizations that are subscribed to Donorbox Premium can activate Donorbox Custom Domain. You can book a demo for Premium here.

2. What is the pricing for Donorbox Custom Domain?

Custom Domain is completely free with a Donorbox Premium subscription.

3. How long does it take to get a custom domain on Donorbox?

It takes up to 24 hours after you have added new DNS records at your domain registrar or provider. Donorbox will detect these changes automatically and your custom domain will be live. For detailed information on this, please refer to the “steps” section in this article.

4. Can I change my custom domain later?

Yes, you can. You will be able to delete the existing custom domain and restart the process in the same way as stated in this article.

5. How do I add DNS records at my domain provider?

If you’re doing this for the first time, it is advisable to contact your domain provider and seek help. You should also find their DNS instructions on their website. Here are a few links to find information on adding DNS records for your domain provider:

If your DNS provider is not listed above, search with the keyword “[domain provider name] add a custom domain DNS”.

Chirasree Bose is the Content Editor at Donorbox. Apart from editing and writing, what holds her interest the most is reading books. Chirasree loves to explore the world of fiction and has authored some books herself. Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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