Making the switch to Donorbox is easy

Let our team of experts migrate your recurring donors to your new Donorbox account!

How the Donorbox migrations process works

We can help you shift your donors, their recurring plan details, and their contact and payment information into your Donorbox account.

Tell us what you need

Fill out our migrations form to tell us about your needs and the details required for a migrations.

Tell us what you need

We’ll get in touch with you

A Donorbox expert will reach out to share a migrations plan and request any additional info.

We’ll get in touch with you

Your migrations process will begin

We’ll launch the steps in your migrations plan, making the switch as quick and easy as possible.

Your migrations process will begin

Migration Pricing

You have two pricing options when it comes to migrating your recurring donors to Donorbox.

Standard and Pro Plans

All Donorbox organizations are eligible for migrations assistance, including switching all important data (name, email, amount, frequency, etc.) to your Donorbox account.


(one-time fee)Make the Switch

Donorbox Premium Plan

Migration assistance is included in our Donorbox Premium packages. These plans and the corresponding pricing are customized based on your needs and include add-ons, coaching, and more.


(may be included in Premium fees)Learn about Premium

Frequently Asked Questions

All of your Donorbox migrations FAQs, answered.

1. What data is transferred during the migrations process?

We’ll transfer all necessary data for each of your recurring donors, including customer ID, first name, last name, email address, donation amount, donation currency, next donation date, and donation frequency.

2. What data is required by Stripe to complete the migrations? What about Donorbox?

You will be required to encrypt and supply your donors' secure payment details, such as card/bank account details, to Stripe (if you are not currently using a Stripe platform). Donorbox will require you to share recurring donation details such as donor name, email, amount, next due date, etc.

Donorbox will not receive the secure payment data and will instead coordinate the transfer of data between your organization and Stripe.

3. What if I’m already using Stripe as my payment processor?

If you’re already using Stripe to process your donations, whether on your own or as part of another fundraising software tool, you’ll skip the first step of the migration process. We’ll just need to ask for a CSV file with all required fields included, and we’ll go from there.

4. What if I’m not already using Stripe as my payment processor?

We can still make the migration process simple for you, even if you are currently using a different payment processor! Before we acquire your donor data via CSV file, you’ll need to get permission from your current provider as well as connect us with your contact so that we can handle all of the logistics for you.

5. How much does a migrations to Donorbox cost?

You can migrate all of your recurring plan data to Donorbox for a one-time fee of $195 if you are on our Standard or Pro Plans. Book a demo to learn about pricing with a Donobox Premium package.

6. How long will a migrations typically take?

How long a migration takes depends on various factors, including if you are migrating from another Stripe platform or a non-Stripe platform, as well as the response time of the involved parties and the level of detail provided upfront.

7. What if I’m using PayPal as my current payment processor?

The migration of PayPal recurring donations is not currently supported. At this time, you will need to ask your PayPal donors to cancel their existing recurring donations and re-create them via your new Donorbox donation form.

8. When will my donors be charged through Donorbox?

This will be a mutual decision made between your organization and Donorbox.

Once the payment data has been transferred to Donorbox’s Stripe account, we will suggest a date to begin processing future donations. The donors’ payment due dates will be considered, as will be the time that may be required to disable processing on your current platform. If you have any concerns about the suggested date, you can propose an alternative.

9. Will my donors be charged on their original payment due dates?

Yes, Donorbox will charge your donors as per their original dates. Their payment dates will not change.

10. Will my donors receive any emails from Donorbox about the migrations?

Once their recurring plan is set up in Donorbox, donors will receive an email encouraging them to set up their Donorbox donor account.

Outside of this email, transactional emails such as donation receipts, failure notifications, etc. will be sent when future donations are processed.

11. Can I customize the account set-up email sent to my donors?

No, you cannot. But we can disable this account set-up email if you do not want it to be sent to your donors.

12. When should my organization stop processing donations on our current platform?

After the donors’ payment data has been migrated to Donorbox’s Stripe account, Donorbox and your organization will set a mutually agreed-upon date to begin processing donations on Donorbox.

You will then need to ensure that your previous platform continues processing donations through the date before this agreed-upon date, but stops all processing following that day.

13. Can Donorbox sync future donations to the existing recurring objects in our Salesforce account?

Yes! You’ll simply need to provide a mapping file of each donor to their corresponding Salesforce recurring object ID. When future donations are processed for those donors, they will be automatically synced to their mapped recurring object on Salesforce.

14. Is it possible to also get help migrating past donations as offline donations?

Yes! You’ll simply provide Donorbox with the details of all past donations in a CSV file and we will import those donations for you. This process typically takes about five (5) business days.

Unbox the world's most donor-friendly fundraising software

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