Are you having trouble getting teenagers involved in your fundraiser? Or getting them involved with your community at...
Donors are everything for nonprofits. Whether you're an experienced fundraiser or just getting started, the task of finding...
Ilma Ibrisevic
Donation buttons are the easiest and one of the most powerful tools a nonprofit can add to its...
Kristine Ensor
While fall is definitely a popular time for fundraising, particularly for "peer-to-peer fundraising events" like runs, walks, and...
Long gone are the days of churches relying solely on tithes and offerings. With fewer members bringing cash...
Your website is perfect, but your online donation form does not bring in the amount your budget requires....
Antonio Carlos
Nonprofits have critical goals and purposes but without the funds to get them done, their missions will never...
Tithes and offerings can support your daily church activities, but general fundraising will not be enough when more...
Sometimes growing your church can feel impossible. You want to share the word of God with more people...
For many years, mission trips have played a crucial role in the lives of countless people. Whereas they...