15 Nonprofit Experts to Follow on Twitter

The Twitter universe can be a great resource for nonprofits. You can find helpful marketing tips and the latest updates in nonprofit tech and news. We’ve created a list of nonprofit experts who Tweet about the most relevant news and tips for nonprofits, so you can have free expert advice at your fingertips. Here are…

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15 Nonprofit Experts to Follow on Twitter

The Twitter universe can be a great resource for nonprofits. You can find helpful marketing tips and the latest updates in nonprofit tech and news.

We’ve created a list of nonprofit experts who Tweet about the most relevant news and tips for nonprofits, so you can have free expert advice at your fingertips.

Here are our must-follow experts:

1. Beth Kanter – @Kanter – 403k Twitter followers

With over 30 years of experience in the nonprofit sector and three bestselling books about nonprofits, Beth is a must-follow. She is also the author of a popular nonprofit blog called Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media.


2. Gail Perry@GailPerrync – 18.2k Twitter followers

This fundraising expert was named #10 on the list of America’s Top Fundraising Experts, published by Philanthropy Media. In her 30 years of experience, she has helped organizations raise hundreds of millions in gifts.



3. Dan Pallotta – @danpallotta – 18.6k Twitter followers

Dan has given over 275 talks on philanthropy and innovation in the past few years, including one of the most popular Ted Talks ever, “The Way We Think About Charity is Dead Wrong” which has over 4 million views.



4. Kivi Leroux Miller – @kivilm – 17.8k Twitter followers

Kivi is the founder and CEO of Nonprofit Marketing Guide and the author of Marketing Guide: High-Impact, Low-Cost Ways to Build Support for Your Good Cause and Content Marketing for Nonprofits.



5. Amy Sample Ward @amyrsward – 20.9k Twitter followers

Amy is the CEO of the Nonprofit Technology Network which helps nonprofits skillfully use technology to succeed. She co-authored Social Change Anytime Everywhere and later co-authored Social by Social, a Handbook in Using Social Technologies for Social Impact. 


6. Amy Neumann@CharityIdeas – 60.1k Twitter followers

Her love and knowledge of tech and social good led Amy to create Free Tech for Nonprofits, which provides free technology and training resources for nonprofits. She continues to develop partnerships in the nonprofit and technology space.

7. Allison Fine – @Afine – 14.9k Twitter followers

Allison writes about the intersection of social media and social change on her blog, A. Fine Blog. She is the author of the award-winning Momentum: Igniting Social Change in the Connected Age, and the co-author of the bestselling The Networked Nonprofit, and Social Citizens Beta. 


8. Alice Korngold@alicekorngold – 14.8k Twitter followers

Alice is the author and president of Korngold Consulting, a nonprofit partnership strategy organization. She has written two books on helping nonprofits by engaging businesses called Leveraging Good Will and A Better World, Inc.


9. Laura Tomasko@lauratomasko – 3.3k Twitter followers

Laura tracks philanthropic trends and builds relationships with leaders advancing the common good across sectors.  She took on a role at the White House that focused on impact investing public policy and philanthropic engagement.


10. Vanessa Chase@vanessaechase – 5.0k Twitter followers

Vanessa is a fundraising and communications strategist of The Storytelling Nonprofit. She especially focuses on women in fundraising and is the creator A Woman’s Guide to Thriving in Fundraising.


11. Debra Askanase@askdebra – 11.2k Twitter followers

Debra is a nonprofit social and digital engagement strategist and a blogger on Community Organizer 2.0. Debra speaks at conferences around the world on the topics of technology, social media, and nonprofit organizations. She talks metrics and tech for nonprofits on her Twitter.


12. Brady Josephson@bradyjosephson – 3.4k Twitter followers

A self-described “charity nerd,” Brady Tweets about fundraising and innovation in the nonprofit sector. He is also the founder of Nonprofit Supply Co. which helps equip nonprofits with the ideas and tools they need.


13. Ty Walrod@tywalrod – 1.3k Twitter followers

Ty is the CEO of Bright Funds, an impact-focused workplace and personal giving hub for a new generation of donors. He offers tips on how to make giving more engaging, effective, and easier on his Twitter account.


14. Leila Janah@leila_c – 30.2k Twitter followers

Leila is the author of Give Work and the founder of Samasource, which helps lift people out of poverty. She sends out a regular newsletter on social impact startups and tech for good.


15. Shannon Farley@Shannon_Farley – 1.1k Twitter followers

Shannon co-founded Fast Forward, which runs an accelerator program that in three years has helped 23 tech nonprofits impact over 18.4M lives and raise $26M in follow-on funding.


Don’t forget to follow @DonorBox for more nonprofit Tweets and tips!


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Charles Z is the Founder and CEO of Donorbox. He has been starting companies and numerous web applications since college. Nowadays he is immersed and wildly excited about the future of the social impact sector.

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