

Raviraj heads the sales and marketing team at Donorbox. His growth-hacking abilities have helped Donorbox boost fundraising efforts for thousands of nonprofit organizations.

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100+ Best Fundraising Ideas for Everyone in 2025

100+ Best Fundraising Ideas for Everyone in 2025

With every new year comes new opportunities to scale your fundraising efforts! However, we know how daunting choosing the right...

Crowdfunding for Nonprofits: Top Strategies & Tactics

Crowdfunding for Nonprofits: Top Strategies & Tactics

The financial stability of most nonprofit organizations is dependent upon fundraising, which may include special events, grant writing, direct mail...

10 Key Traits of Successful Modern Nonprofit Founders

10 Key Traits of Successful Modern Nonprofit Founders

Amidst increased demands for accountability and scrutiny over operational performance, nonprofit executive leaders are being asked to deliver more effective...

How to Create a Compelling Nonprofit Vision Statement | Step-By-Step Guide (Tips + Examples)

How to Create a Compelling Nonprofit Vision Statement | Step-By-Step Guide (Tips + Examples)

A nonprofit vision statement is the anchor point of any organization's strategic plan. It outlines what a nonprofit aims to...

Become Successful at Legacy Fundraising: 12 Key Insights and Tips

Become Successful at Legacy Fundraising: 12 Key Insights and Tips

Stephen Pidgeon states in his book How To Love Your Donors to Death that the average amount of a bequest in...

20 Simple Yet Powerful Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits

20 Simple Yet Powerful Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits

It's no secret that virtual fundraising is in right now – and that it won't be out anytime soon. Nonprofits...

6 Ways to Legally Accept Donations Without 501(c)(3) Status

6 Ways to Legally Accept Donations Without 501(c)(3) Status

Navigating the world of fundraising without 501(c)(3) status can feel daunting. While lacking the official tax-exempt designation might limit some...

How to Run a Successful Restaurant Fundraiser

How to Run a Successful Restaurant Fundraiser

Teaming up with a restaurant to run a fundraiser can be a low-maintenance way to help your nonprofit raise extra...

30 Most Effective Silent Auction Ideas

30 Most Effective Silent Auction Ideas

Silent auctions are a common form of fundraising that works for all types of nonprofits. In this article, we list...

How to Create a Strategic Fundraising Plan for Nonprofits

How to Create a Strategic Fundraising Plan for Nonprofits

Fundraising is crucial for your organization, but your fundraising goals will likely fail without a good plan. Strategic fundraising plans...

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