Coût d'acquisition du donateur : Pas encore calculé

Coût d'acquisition des donateurs

L'acquisition de donateurs, ou CAD, est le prix que vous payez pour obtenir le premier don d'un donateur à votre organisation.

La collecte de fonds de pair à pair Donorbox est l'une des meilleures stratégies d'acquisition de donateurs, car elle encourage les sympathisants à solliciter leurs pairs, leurs amis, leurs collègues et les membres de leur famille pour qu'ils fassent des dons en votre nom.

Comment utiliser cette calculatrice

Comment utiliser cette calculatrice

Pour calculer votre CAD, vous devez diviser le montant de toutes les dépenses de collecte de fonds par le nombre total de donateurs acquis ou nouveaux de votre organisation. Ces dépenses peuvent inclure les frais de tiers, les frais d'affranchissement, les salaires du personnel et d'autres coûts liés à la collecte de fonds.

Conseil de pro

Le coût d'acquisition d'un nouveau donateur et le valeur à vie du donateur vont de pair. Ces deux mesures combinées peuvent être utilisées dans l'analyse pour déterminer si votre programme de collecte de fonds est durable. Il est plus coûteux d'acquérir un nouveau donateur que de fidéliser un donateur actuel, il est donc bon de garder ce ratio sous contrôle !

Questions fréquemment posées

When should I use the donor acquisition cost calculator?

Donor acquisition cost calculators divide the total amount of all fundraising expenses by the number of new donors collected. This number will help you determine which fundraising campaigns and events are worth the trouble by showing you exactly how much you spent to acquire a new donor.

A donor acquisition cost calculator is most useful for larger events and campaigns that cost a lot to run. Third-party vendor costs, staff salaries, location costs, and more can add up. Nonprofits often assume events are best for fundraising, but the real goal of a major event is to reach a larger audience and bring in new donors. If your event is not doing that, you’ll want to adjust your strategies or potentially choose a different fundraising idea.

Are there fundraising tools that can help with donor acquisition?

Donor acquisition is vital for your nonprofit's long-term success. The best way to reach and inspire new donors is by showcasing your organization’s impact. You can do this with social media and email campaigns, events, and more.

Most people want to hear from real people before providing a donation - it's called social proof - and Donorbox makes it easy with crowdfunding and peer-to-peer campaigns that support donor walls, social sharing, and more.

I’ve used the donor acquisition cost calculator – now what?

Now that you’ve used the donor acquisition cost calculator, you have a better idea of which campaigns and events are working for your needs. Now is the time to analyze each event and campaign and come up with new goals that match your organization’s strategic fundraising plans.

Remember, fundraising is more than short-term financial solicitation. You must find ways to encourage new donors, build long-term relationships, and entice them to participate in your nonprofit’s fundraising and programs.

Do I include staff salaries in my overall fundraising expenses with calculating DAC?

If you are a small nonprofit, you are better off calculating your DAC without including salaries or overhead costs. If you are a large nonprofit - especially one with a staff of more than five - you should calculate DAC both ways: with and without salaries and overhead costs.

How should I consider donor acquisition costs as I implement various fundraising strategies?

When you acquire a donor, you want to know not only which channel they came through but also what the expense was to acquire them. Use separate Donorbox campaigns for each solicitation to more easily determine which fundraising activities are worth investing more in and which are worth moving away from.