Keep up the good work!
Continue to do honest journalism!
I'm glad that Shawn put out that video. I had no idea that donations were down lately. You guys must not stop doing what you do. Shawn's talk inspires me (especially the rant part near the end!). Liars and psychopaths run our country. Druthers readers give them all a big middle finger.
God bless Druthers !
Free press, essential in maintaining a free country.
I read your February, 2025 paper and was very surprised that you allowed a false and ridiculous article entitled, Donald Trump is the Empire Unmasked. This remarkable President is rolling back what the Trudeau - like Biden did to the country. Be thankful he is restoring common sense. Also, you have an anti semetic article by Nisha Toomey, spreading hate and misinformation against Israel by calling the the war on Gaza, genocide. Hamas burned babies alive right in their cribs, face to face. Israelis would never do that. They took hostages so Israel wouldn't retaliate, and so they could trade 1 Israeli hostage for an unbelievable number of their terrorist murderers. The innocent for the guilty. They attacked during peace and bragged about killing Jews. How dare you take the side of murderers who don't want peace and use their own people as shields! Druthers will not be spoken of well by me anymore. You owe Israel a retraction and an apology.
Etransfer donations ($100, $15, $25, $50, $25, $250, $50, $20, $50, $25, $100, $100, $50, $90, $50, $20, $200, $20, $25, $150, $20, $10, $50, $25, $50, $25, $25, $100, $15, $10, $50, $100, $25, $50, $50, $20, $10, $20, $100, $10, $50, $20, $20, $200, $100, $129.95, $50, $50, $10, $50, $2000, $66, $100, $100, $20, $140, $20, $25, $25, $15, $20, $94, $50)
Cheque donations ($50, $125, $1500, $500, $200, $40, $100, $100, $50, $20)
Cash donations ($50, $10, $100, $50)
Cash donations collected at Pfenning's Organic & More in St Agatha Ontario.
etransfer donations ($50, $10, 30, $69.15, $50, $10, $50, $50, $50, $133.55, $30, $100, $150, $50, $25, $100, $20, $100, $50, $20)
Keep up the good work
Keep up the good work, one day we will bury the evil that wants to rule over us since back in Egypt, Steve.
Hi Druthers writers.. Just picked up the latest Druthers... Very disappointed! The Demise of this Tyrant is a good article but..... NDP are never mentioned . The only way "T"(a low lemon) had any powers to do as he did and does, is because without Jackmeet(a lower lemon),holding him and the Libs up, for over two years... possibly longer by the sounds of things. Without Jack,he could do nothing! Jackmeet is out of the loop for blame! He is an equal in the blame and not a word is mentioned... The WEF even stole our Finances with the help of Jackmeet! What the hell? ... Jack will also help and support the next to slither into the Libs and will again be supported by the NDP! NDP is no longer the supporter of the Legal citizens of Canada! How dare you blame the Conservatives for this! There hands were tied because of this Coalition... Disgusted! Sharon
Your January issue is dynamite! I am halfway through and had to send another donation and get a subscription to support this work. Thank you!!
etransfer donations ($50, $25, $50, $250, $25, $50, $10, $10, $20, $56.30, $25, $15, $20, $20, $100, $20, $100, $30, $50, $50, $100, $10, $100, $15, $50, $40, $75, $40, $100, $20, $200, $40, $100, $25, $40, $3000, $25, $100, $20, $50, $50, $50, $100, $10, $25, $5, $50, $20, $10, $50, $30, $10, $50, $20, $50, $25, $25, $25, $100, $50, $15, $10, $40, $50, $53.41, $20, $40, $25, $250, $10, $10, $8, $50, $125, $25, $50, $100, $100, $50, $25, $25, $200, $30, $150, $25, $20, $200, $50, $50, $20, $10, $100, $20, $250, $10, $50, $100)
Delivering to South Ajax is a privilege. Keep printing, and I'll keep delivering!