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Help print 250,000 DRUTHERS Newspapers for AUGUST 2024

DRUTHERS: Canada’s Most Loved, Independent, People Powered Newspaper.

10 cents. A dime. That's all it costs us to print each 12 page collection of important news & information and plant them in the hands of people all across Canada. How many dimes would you pitch in if those dimes were waking up more Canadians?

Here we go again! We're aiming to print 250,000 copies of the August 2024 issue of Druthers, to be freely distributed all over Canada. (This will be our 45th issue!)

For over 3 years running, Druthers has been tremendously successful, now with over 11.5 million newspapers printed and given freely to Canadians from coast to coast. Here we go again, preparing for our 45th issue of Druthers, and your help is vital towards printing as many newspapers as we can each month.

This paper is entirely people funded. No government money or corporate sponsors ever! It truly is the power of the people that makes this project so deep reaching and impactful.

Nothing much matters more right now than helping more Canadians begin to question things more deeply, and this paper is having massive effect in that regard.

This only happens because of your financial support, so please, let's keep it going. Canadians have finally started asking the hard hitting questions and this Druthers family has played an integral role in that. Let's keep our focus on what we want to see in this world. Truth. Love. Peace. Freedom. We truly are making a difference.

ETRANSFERS to: [email protected]

For cash, checks & money orders, please make payable to and mail to:
Shawn Jason Laplante
Box 40531 Six Points Plaza
Toronto, Ontario
M9B 6K8

The number of copies we print each month is a direct result of your kind donations. So please give what you can, if you can, and let's wake up more Canadians. We are making a difference!

Here is what your love & support has created so far with Druthers...

• 25k copies for December 2020

• 50k copies for January 2021

• 100k copies for February 2021

• 200k copies for March 2021

• 300k copies for April 2021

• 500k copies for May 2021

• 250k copies for June 2021

• 250k copies for July 2021

• 250k copies for August 2021

• 250k copies for September 2021

• 250k copies for October 2021

• 350k copies for November 2021

• 250k copies for December 2021

• 250k copies for January 2022

• 300k copies for February 2022

• 250k copies for March 2022

• 275k copies for April 2022

• 200k copies for May 2022

• 250k copies for June 2022

• 200k copies for July 2022

• 200k copies for August 2022

• 225k copies for September 2022

  (+25k for neighbourhood mail)

• 200k copies for October 2022

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)

• 200k copies for November 2022

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)

• 250k copies for December 2022

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)

• 200k copies for January 2023

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)

• 225k copies for February 2023

  (+75k for neighbourhood mail)

• 250k copies for March 2023

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)

• 200k copies for April 2023

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)

• 200k copies for May 2023

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)

• 250k copies for June 2023

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)

• 225k copies for July 2023

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)
• 200k copies for August 2023
  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)
• 200k copies for September 2023

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)
• 200k copies for October 2023

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)

• 300k copies for November 2023

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)
• 250k copies for December 2023

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)
• 250k copies for January 2024

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)
• 225k copies for February 2024

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)

• 225k copies for March 2024

  (+50k for neighbourhood mail)
• 225k copies for April 2024

  (+35k for neighbourhood mail)
• 250k copies for May 2024

  (+25k for neighbourhood mail)

• 225k copies for June 2024

  (+25k for neighbourhood mail)

• 225k copies for July 2024

  (+25k for neighbourhood mail)

Learn more about our Neighbourhood Mail service. It gives everyone the opportunity to have Druthers delivered right to the mailboxes in an area of their choosing :)

Read all 44 issues on our website for free at:

Written and performed by the late Wayne Mouland, Double MC.


Druthers, an old word meaning; "One's own way, preference or choice." Druthers is also a 12 page, monthly newsprint publication with REAL NEWS & information for Canadians and is being given out freely by 1000's of passionate Druthers readers all across Canada.


To anyone paying any level of attention, it is clear that mainstream news is insanely out of control, acting entirely as a propaganda machine for the interests of trans-national corporations who are aiming to, quite literally, restructure and take over the world. (This is not a theory, it is fact, as stated by many of the big players in this global agenda.)

Big tech is in cahoots, rampantly deleting and censoring anything that strays from the mainstream story as told by the W.H.O.. They even outright admit they are doing so, which is absolutely outrageous and a dangerous path for humanity to be led down.

And how about those fact checker sites? Those are a complete sham and are doing a tremendous disservice to humanity. Created and funded by the very same people who are desperately trying to control the information.

All this is leaving much of the population confused and uncertain, so most people just do what they are told and ‘play safe’, just in case, even though most people know something is terribly wrong with all this.

It is a battle of information… a battle for our minds.

Even many government officials are feeding us outright lies and misinformation. We all know that many politicians are corrupt, traditional media is full of lies & giant corporations use their immense resources to extract as much money from the people as they possibly can. So why do we continue to blindly follow along and do as they say? These people, companies and organizations clearly do not have our best interests in mind.

We say, ENOUGH already!!

My name is Shawn Jason and some friends and I have created a new, free, alternative newspaper in an effort to get real news and information into the hands (and hopefully minds) of the people. We are dedicated to sifting though the information to uncover what is really going on in Canada, and the world.

Your help is requested. Donate today and/or share this fundraiser page to help things along.

50,000 Druthers


With the mainstream media being full of spin and un-truths (a full on propaganda machine) and with the big tech companies censoring and deleting any voices who speak out against the official narrative, going old-school and printing a newspaper seemed to be the best to way to get around all this censorship & propaganda and put real information into people's hands. 

If you wish to see honest, truthful news & information getting into the hands of the general population, please consider helping Druthers with a kind donation. Dig deep and donate if you can. Every contribution helps and is put to good use.

First issue (December 2020)
25,000 copies freely distributed.

Druthers is run primarily by volunteers. No salaries are drawn from donations. 100% of donations are put into printing and distribution of the newspaper.


This paper is entirely funded, written, distributed & promoted by concerned Canadians like you and it would not be growing like it is without your love & support.

To print and freely distribute 250,000 copies to people all across Canada, the cost is $25,000. That's a cost of just 10 cents per newspaper! Every $100 donated = 1000 more copies printed and freely distributed to your fellow Canadians.


With your help we have expanded all across Canada. The first 2 issues of Druthers were distributed primarily in Ontario. But in February 2021 we expanded all the way to the west coast, and now you can find Druthers in every province and territory!

Druthers is now being distributed freely across Canada from coast to coast by 1000's of passionate volunteers! This is only because of all the love and support from concerned citizens like you.

Spotted in Toronto late 2020
Love you Don! 


If you love what you see in this paper and believe in the importance of what we are doing with it, your help would be very much welcomed and appreciated. There are 4 main ways people can help out.

• Donations
• Writing

• Distribution

• Promotion

Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you would like to help. If you have other ideas on how you can help this project grow, please get in touch. We are very open to almost anything that helps us reach more Canadians, more quickly with real news & information.


Many people have stated they prefer to send e-transfers. Those are welcomed as no processing fees are taken from donations made this way. (paypal and credit cards take about 3% for online transactions)

You can use the email address [email protected] to send e-transfers. Donations via e-transfer will be added to the campaign funding total within 24 hours. Thank you. 


We do offer Druthers t-shirts, monthly newspaper subscriptions, music downloads & more on our website. This is another great way to support the growth of Druthers while also receiving something in return as a bit of a thank you for your support.

Thank you. I love you. Keep on passing it on. We really are making a difference!

Shawn Jason

(creator of druthers)