Hi all,
Thank you ever so much for all of your incredibly kind donations towards our winter appeal! The drains and gator batteries are really important for winter and your understanding and support towards the two jobs that urgently needed doing was very appreciated.
The drains have been fixed! We ended up needing the whole drain at the back of the stables replacing due to blockages which were causing the flooding. We've had a new pipe put in to allow easy flow of water and one we can access to keep clear. This will make such a difference in the winter and be much easier to clean. We're sure the pigs will also love having a dry and warm bed all winter.
The £1,340 cost for the drains was covered by a kind donator. We are so grateful. Thank you so much again for your generosity.
However, the gator has been taken away to be serviced and it turns out we need more work than we initially thought, making the quote now £2,453 for all new batteries and new suspension.
We have increased the goal on this fundraiser to reflect this and will use all the funds raised towards getting the gator up and running again.
Please share and support if you can! We need to get the gator done before the cows come in for winter so we can get their hay to them.
Thank you all again, we'll keep you updated.
-The Surge Sanctuary Team