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Trinity Sunday+ for TBC 2024

"...and what does the Lord require of you but to

do justice, and to

   love kindness, and to

      walk humbly with your God?"

         (Micah 6:8)

In celebration of Trinity's parish feast day, join parishioners and friends alike in supporting the work of Trinity Boston Connects (TBC), the primary outreach and social justice arm of our congregation!

TBC's mission is to heal the traumatic impact of systemic racism in Boston and create a more equitable city in which youth of color can thrive.

A workshop led by TBC's Organizational Equity Practice, taking place in Trinity's Commons.

Born from the social justice work of Trinity Church, the Trinity Education for Excellence Program (founded in 1999) and the Trinity Boston Counseling Center (founded in 2002) joined forces in 2007 to form a new non-profit organization then known at Trinity Boston Foundation. New programs have been added along the way, including the Sole Train running program in 2009, an embedded support program at Dorchester's McCormack Middle School in 2013, and an Organizational Equity Practice in 2017. The foundation rebranded as Trinity Boston Connects in 2019, highlighting its active and direct work building community and unlocking opportunity for youth. 

Sole Train youth and mentors warming up on Trinity's lawn prior to a run.
Throughout this journey, TBC has helped thousands of youth of color, and many thousands of adults who care for them day in and day out, heal from the traumatic impacts of systemic racism in our city.  As Trinity Church "in the city of Boston," this work concerns our community of faith deeply, and parishioners have been faithful volunteers and donors and leaders from TBC's earliest beginnings to the present day.

As "companions in the household of God," join these faithful friends by donating generously to support the important work TBC does in building the Beloved Community, our dream for this city and God's dream for the whole world.

"Team Trinity" (including several familiar parishioner faces!) celebrating their successful efforts for TBC through the 2023 Rodman Ride.