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Support Mental Heath and Suicide Prevention in Japan. Your donation matters.

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You can log in to edit your recurring donation any time

TELL is a Non-profit Organization Certified by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. All donations are tax deductible for Japanese Tax purposes.
TELL Move for Mental Health 2023

Recognizing the significance of promoting mental health in our communities and understanding that many of us encounter mental health challenges, TELL is holding its annual fundraising campaign: Move for Mental Health.

TELL’s Move for Mental Health Campaign starts on September 10th, and ends with the Tokyo Tower Climb on October 14, 2023. The campaign has two main events: 

1) Step Up Challenge: Participants choose a day to walk 21,881 steps to honor the 21,881 lives lost to suicide in Japan last year

2) Tokyo Tower Climb: Participants climb up the Tokyo Tower to raise awareness for mental health

Donations will support TELL in the following areas:

  • Lifeline Operational Costs

  • Lifeline Volunteer Training

  • Community Mental Health Workshops

  • Subsidized Counseling

  • Other Community Mental Health Services 

Thank you for your donations, and for supporting the cause of mental health awareness in Japan.

You can also help us to achieve our goals!

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