⭐️ Last day of the trial - come and support Freedom of Speech on ⭐️
⭐️ Friday 11th Feb, 9am⭐️
⭐️The Old Bailey, London UK ⭐️
This crowdfund is to support the legal appeal for Tahra's case for Freedom of Speech.
If 750 people donated just 20.00GBP we will reach the target. It is the broader support of more donators which will demonstrate a more powerful foundation of support for this cause. Of course you can donate as much as you feel is right for you.
Freedom of speech and those standing for it are under direct attack.
As many of you know, Tahra, Lawful Observer, was found guilty of inciting racial hatred for two obscure and uncharacteristic comments made on Facebook 5 years ago, taken completely out of context. This is all to make an example out of her in trying to scare others in the Freedom movement into silence.
They ignored all her other comments which made it completely clear that she has only ever targeted the criminal actions of certain Jewish individuals. She has regularly stated that the rest of the Jewish community were just as much their victims as the rest of us. And she regularly holds to account others who also act unlawfully. It is clear something has gone wrong in this trial. Hence the need to Appeal.
She has been targeted for us all to see that it can be any one of us next, who is posting on social media or anywhere for that matter.
1. Why else try her for two old, obscure social media comments at The Old Bailey, built for murderers?
2 Why else state she didn't attend her first Hearing (when she was present in the court), in order to then unlawfully arrest her and throw her in a category A prison for murderers for 6 days? Leaving her so traumatised, suffering from severe panic attacks, heart palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, and hair loss.
3. Why else fast track her trial within 5 months, knowing she would be in no fit state to stand trial?
4. Why else not listen to two Doctors letters/statements asking for Adjournment?
All this because of the amazing work Tahra's been doing in educating people to know their rights, empowering them to put them into practice, putting police and authorities on Notice as a Lawful Observer, as in this video.
This is not just about Tahra, it is about EVERY Freedom Fighter and everyone's right to Freedom of Speech.
The legal system and those targeting Tahra are compromising the law and think it can silence voices or written text by making an example of her.
Stand together in support of one of our own and in doing so help all of us ❤️
There are hundreds of thousands of Freedom Fighters so please donate to this cause, join Tahra in support for ALL our Freedom of Speech.
Commentary on Tahra's case for Freedom of Speech
Please support Freedom of Speech and share this! ❤️🙏❤️