Dear supporters of union democracy,
After reaching our initial goal well ahead of schedule, we hit our $20,000 matched donation goal before May Day was even over! Our match donors are now finished transferring their matched donations, which will show up shortly in the total amount on our Donorbox page. This means you helped us raise over $40,000 in three weeks! We extend our deepest gratitude for the incredible solidarity and support you have shown us.
Your support is already making it possible for us to plan major organizing initiatives, such as the national Week of Action for One Member One Vote on May 24-28, which will coincide with the anniversary of the historic Battle of the Overpass at the Ford River Rouge plant on May 26, 1937. All UAW members should sign up to participate in the Week of Action at to spread the word about One Member One Vote and help win this referendum!
We are now less than $7,000 away from our original fundraising goal of $50,000! The more resources we raise, the closer we will be to accomplishing our goal. If you have not yet contributed there is still time! Please chip in to help us reach our $50,000 total, and sustain our organizing!
In solidarity,
Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD)
Dear supporters of union democracy:
Great news: we reached our May Day match goal of $15,000 more than 24 hours in advance of our deadline! Thank you so much to everyone who helped us cross this threshold!
As a result, our match donors will be increasing the match goal to $20,000 and extending the donation deadline through May 2, the day after May Day. Please help us reach our goal of raising $40,000 in matched donations through Sunday, and spread the word!
In solidarity,
Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD)
Dear supporters of union democracy:
We are very grateful and overwhelmed by all of the support and solidarity we have received so far. Thank you many times over for your generosity. Your donations are already making a difference: it has made it possible for us to begin paying a staff organizer and cover other immediate costs of organizing to win this vote, as well as legal costs associated with our motion to intervene in the consent decree to ensure that the referendum is conducted fairly.
However, we still have a long way to go to our fundraising goal of $50,000. We have only a few months to reach out to tens of thousands of UAW members and retirees about One Member One Vote. We are mounting a *massive* campaign against a powerful incumbent caucus that has been in power for 70 years, and this will require a substantial amount of resources.
For this reason, we are excited to announce that a group of UAWD members and supporters have generously stepped forward to match up to $15,000 in donations to UAWD through MAY 1, International Workers Day. Please donate today to double your impact, and help us reach our $15,000 May Day goal!
Thank you for all that you do for the cause of worker democracy in our union and in the labor movement.
In solidarity,
The UAWD Steering Committee