Starting the first of July, two of our amazing supporters, Scarlett and Gill are going to be running 305km! That's 5km X 7 days a week X 2 months of summer ...
This is to help raise money for us at Community Dog Welfare Kopan in Nepal - which they have both volunteered in the past. Gill has even adopted three dogs!
Recently the shelter are working on an arrival area/treatment centre which will include a clinic and ten kennels for the dogs needing intensive care. This will help reduce the need of long taxi rides with sick and injured dogs into Kathmandu vet clinic. Despite reusing old shelter materials for the 40x12ft roof, money is needed for blocks and wall materials including a door and windows for the clinic. This will probably cost around GBP 1,000, so lets see how far we can go!
"Kate and Doug are such wonderful people who've worked so hard helping sick, old and injured street dogs for decades - despite never actually intending to own a dog shelter. CDWK will forever have a place in my heart and I'd love to help them however possible. I've never run more than 3 days in a row so this challenge is going to be pretty interesting (and possibly very hard) either way, I'll give it my all and do regular updates on DonorBox. " - Scarlett
Literally every little helps - a few pounds from multiple people adds up and will make a difference over in Nepal. thankyou for reading , please donate what you can!! :))