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Thank you for supporting the mission and programs of Bridges of Hope International. You will receive an official Canadian tax receipt for all eligible donations by the end of February of next year. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for this contribution. Registered Charity Number: 863616843RR0001.
Oldman Backyard Ultra 2025

This Oldman Backyard Ultra is a unique running experience where runners try to complete a 6.7km lap every hour, for as many hours as they can. This specific event is also a run for a cause,  supporting youth and families in Lethbridge who need it most! 

We have encouraged all participants to seek out pledges from family and friends for each lap they complete, or pledges for total laps completed by the entire group! This year for every $1500 raised at the event, one youth is sponsored for a full year at youth one, giving them free access to all programs, meals and support services.

Per-lap pledges - Once the race is complete runners are expected to follow up with your pledge-per-lap commitment and they will let you know how many laps they, or the group completed. You can then make your total donation here.   

For one time donations - If you would rather just make a straight donation rather than per lap, you can make that donation at any time on this runner’s profile page. 

To access the Oldman pledge letter and pledge tracker click here. 

For more information on Youth One click here. 

You can also help us to achieve our goals!

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