2024 Update
In the past two years, we’ve fenced in a majority of the property including four large areas for the dogs to run and play. We have built a ‘New Arrivals’ area from scratch where incoming dogs are treated. Plus, we constructed an area for the older dogs and wheelchair dogs to give them a calmer space separate from the more active dogs. Our most recent project was to build an on-site clinic to do basic treatments for our dogs.
This property has come a long way from being an open space with no infrastructure, apart from some chicken sheds, to a happy home for over 150 dogs. But, we still have a few more buildings to add. At the moment, we have nowhere to work. Taking care of 150 dogs takes planning and as a nonprofit, there’s a lot of paperwork and work which often goes unseen. We also need an isolation unit to keep our dogs safe from contagious diseases that incoming dogs may be carrying. And, we are hoping to build an additional pen for adopted dogs that are awaiting their flights to their forever homes.
When we first established this fundraiser, we had a goal of $7,000 AUD and we were able to raise $6,000 AUD to get us started. Through two additional fundraisers, we were given $1,350 and $1,485 to put towards the shelter, as well as a private donation of $3,895 AUD to build an area for the wheelchair dogs. That brought us to a total of $12,730 AUD. However, this money has been used on the initial phases of the construction. We have actually spent $14,200 AUD total in building the new centre.
Admin Building
We are looking to raise $6,000 AUD to build a Welcome Centre/Admin Building. We’d like this building to have the following…
- An office with internet which can be used by our founders and manager to do paperwork, budgets, and work on long-term and short-term goals for the dog centre.
- A meeting room which can be used by our board members to hold meeting, and it can also be used as an educational centre. At our previous location, we would have schools come and visit to learn about street dogs and animal welfare.
- We would like to include two rooms which can be used by long term volunteers as lodging. As our location is further from the city, we have not had as many visitors as we used to, and we’d like to encourage more people to volunteer with the dogs.
- Last but not least, the space would have a small kitchen and a bathroom.
At the moment, our “admin area” is a table located under some bamboo trees. There are no walls, no ceiling, no internet, and nowhere to store important papers. We meet visitors here, have board meetings here, and plan for the entire centre at this table. Monsoon season is around the corner and without a place to hold meetings or conduct business, we will have a difficult time.
Isolation Unit
We are looking to raise $3,000 AUD to build an Isolation Unit for incoming dogs who should be quarantined before entering the main centre. This unit will have the following…
- Three or four separate small buildings to keep incoming dogs isolated until we can confirm that they are not contagious. There’s been an outbreak of distemper in Kathmandu. Sadly, it’s almost impossible to treat, and it’s highly contagious. Most dogs don’t survive. With new dogs constantly moving in and out of the center for treatment, it puts out residential dogs at risk. Having an isolation unit will allow us to keep the dogs in a quarantine until we are sure they aren’t contagious. This unit can also be used to treat Parvo virus and TVT (a contagious cancer that is also an STD).
- A handwash station for our staff to get cleaned up before working with other dogs in the centre.
- A separate fenced in space for each building so that the dogs can stretch their legs and get some exercise without having contact with the other dogs.
New Area for Adopted Dogs
We are looking to raise $1,500 AUD to build an Adopted Dog Area for dogs waiting to fly to their forever families. This area will contain the following…
- A separate fenced in area for dogs that are waiting to fly to their forever family. The process of flying a dog to another country can take 6 months to a year! During this time, it’s important to make sure the dogs don’t get any contagious diseases or get into any fights with the other dogs. If something were to happen to them before their flight, it could ruin their chance of being able to fly out.
- The area will also feature a covered enclosure to protect the dogs from rain and provide shade from the sun.
- This area can also act as a socializing area for the shy dogs who need more human interaction so that they have a better chance of being adopted or sponsored. These dogs often get overlooked or go unnoticed because the more confident dogs tend to get all the attention.
Breakdown of what was spent so far…
- Initial setup of boundary fence/wall and sub division of dogs into four main areas on the largest piece of land. This included building a kitchen, small storage room and bathroom. Payment for the chicken sheds was also made. This stage was completed in February 2023 and cost $7,270 AUD.
- The second stage included an arrivals area for incoming dogs with separate kennels set up and a larger surrounding pen for them to hang out in during the day. We also built a small temporary shelter for holding meetings. The area was completed in July 2024 and cost $1,100 AUD.
- Stage three was our wheelchair and elderly dog area. This area has pavers to make it easy for the wheel chair dogs to get around. It also has an enclosed shelter with plexiglass to allow the warm sun to come in. The dogs in this area are typically on the older side and can enjoy time away from the more active dogs. This area was completed in January 2024 and cost $4,000 AUD. The money was generously donated by Julie.
- Our most recent addition was the clinic which is located next to the arrivals area where we had our temporary meeting room. This was complete in April 2024 and cost $1,500 AUD. This area was sponsored by Scarlett and Gill who both ran 5k a day for 2 months to fundraise for the shelter.
We’ve been able to upcycle a lot of used items in our construction by buying pavers and bricks that were being removed from sidewalks and houses. This has allowed us to keep the costs of building the centre down, but we have run out of money to finish building.
This fundraiser will help us move toward completing our vision for the dog center. Every donation counts and we appreciate your support.
It's been a few months, and there have been many developments. Our daily routine of taking care of the dogs has continued, on top of this there's been a boom of puppies rescued so that's been keeping us on our toes to say the least.
Attached below are the records of what we've spent so far on the new shelter, using the money raised by this fundraiser and more! As you can see, it's been put to good use and every penny has counted.
Now, we are working on an arrival area/treatment centre which will include a clinic and ten kennels for the dogs needing intensive care. We are reusing some of our old shelter materials - enough for the roof covering an area of about 40 ft length and 12 ft width. But we need blocks and wall materials including a door and windows for the clinic. Estimated cost is GBP 1,000.
Any donations towards these causes on this fundraiser are greatly appreciated. Alternatively, Scarlett is running an adjacent fundraiser for us by running 5km, everyday of the week, for 2 months ( https://donorbox.org/running-for-the-dogs ) - all money from this will also go towards the new shelter!
Thank you again for all your wonderful support!
Best wishes,
Kate and Doug
Community Dog Welfare Kopan
We have some wonderful news - all dogs are now currently together. The elderly and those under treatment have now been relocated to our new shelter! The increase in greenery, space and quiet is wonderful, and we know that all our rescues will be happier here.
Our staff all being in one place is also a relief - meals for the dogs can now be cooked all in one go, and the staff can enjoy their break of coffee and biscuits together once again.
Though the move itself got off to a rough start (see our social media for more!), it was smooth sailing after that, and Cashew, who pulled a disappearing act during the process, has been found safe, albeit hungry.
Stay tuned for more updates and photos of the shelter, and the new rescues - which are always coming in. As always, thank you for your wonderful support, none of this would have been possible without it!
Best wishes,
Kate and Doug.
Firstly, thank you for the amazing support we have received - already this fundraiser has raised over 60% of our goal.
Thus far we have moved around 90 of the healthy and young dogs to the new shelter, where they are being cared for by three members of staff, including our newest addition to the team, Arjun, brother of Ramesh! The dogs are loving the upgrade of space and fresh air, and we are working on constructing the lower boundary fence.
The dogs which require more care - under treatment or elderly - currently remain at our original shelter under the watchful eye of our two other Nepali staff members. The hope is to move these over when construction is complete and the dogs are healthy enough to do so.
No rest for the wicked - we are still undertaking rescues, in just the last three days, three dogs have been rescued from Akashi Dari. We also try to keep on top of spays and castrations - a critical part of preventing dogs ending up on the street is controlling reproduction and unwanted litters.
In other exciting news, Sundae has been adopted to Germany (more information on our social media!) and two other international adoptions are underway...
Best wishes,
Kate and Doug.