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Help the West London Buddhist Centre Survive and Thrive
Help Us Reach Halfway – Just £2,948 to Go!

Dear Friends,

We’re excited to share that we’re only £2,948 away from reaching the halfway point of our fundraising goal! Your generosity has been incredible, and we’re so grateful for each and every donation.

If you're about to contribute, we’d love to hear why you are giving. Sharing a message on the Donor Wall is a wonderful way to inspire others and give our team and volunteers a real boost. You don’t have to include your name or donation amount if you don't want to – just your message is enough to make a big difference.

Thank you for being such an important part of our community. Every donation and message helps us keep moving forward.

With heartfelt gratitude, 

Amalavajra, Amlanadhi, Maitripushpa and Viryanaga  

Edited 21/08/24
Why do we need £50,000?

In this update, we wanted to share a little bit about why our fundraising target is £50,000.

Firstly, the centre itself has been running at deficit for several years, which has grown significantly since the Covid lockdowns. Until now we have been kept afloat by cash reserves left over from the sale of the previous buddhist centre. However these reserves are now exhausted, and the centre needs more income to survive. In 2022, our deficit was £35,000, in 2023 we reduced this to £26,000. However this year with the extra work to manage the repairs and having to support Bodhilila while she is off sick, our projected deficit for 2024 is back up to £40,000. As we do not have any more financial reserves to absorb this loss, this would mean having to close the centre at the end of 2024 if we cannot raise this money with fundraising. 

So that is the SURVIVE part, what about the THRIVE?

We are blessed as a sangha to have such a large and beautiful space, with such good transport links to the rest of London and beyond. This means we have capacity to welcome many more people, to introduce them to the Dharma and to welcome them into the sangha. However first they need to know about us. 

If we can reach our target of £50,000, we will spend this extra money in helping people find the West London Buddhist Centre by investing in publicity. This area is a priority for extra investment, as it will bring more people along and help us become a thriving centre. Long term this is also our plan to create stronger financial foundations though increasing bookings on courses and retreats and though more people giving donations.

If you would like to know more about out future plans, or would like to help in someway, do get in touch with any of us on the leadership team. Thank you for being part of helping us Survive AND Thrive.

With metta, 

Amalavajra, Amlanadhi, Maitripushpa and Viryanaga  

Edited 21/08/24
Thank you everyone, amazing progress!

The generosity shown has already been amazing, so thank you everyone who has already given. We wanted to show how impressive the progress has been, so we've created this campaign page to show how were doing.

We are delighted to say we are already over one third of the way towards our £50,000 target, and amazing accomplishment already. Half of what has been raised has come from one incredible £10,000 donation, and the rest has been given by all of you in the last few weeks as new regular or one-off donations. Thank you very much, the whole team is so grateful.

There is still a little way to go to ensure we have the financial security we need to keep the centre operating, so please consider sharing this appeal to those who might want to help the West London Buddhist Centre survive and thrive.

With a deep bow
Amalavajra, Amlanadhi, Andy, Maitripushpa and Viryanaga