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Please consider donating monthly to help the West London Buddhist Centre Survive and Thrive.

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Help the West London Buddhist Centre Survive and Thrive

We need your help now!

The West London Buddhist Centre is facing its biggest existential crisis in its 46 year history. Soon after the news of Bodhilila's and Kamalasila’s serious illnesses, there was Tarakarunya’s untimely death. More practically, our cash reserves are running low, and now the centre has been damaged by flooding due to a collapsed drain in the street outside the building. 

We have had to close the centre for cleaning and major repairs until September (fingers crossed). We have been working to raise funds for some time, but the closure and need for major repairs now means we will face the further blow of losing all the badly needed income from events and room hire while repairs are taking place.

Our centre is the response to the challenges of life and an increasingly turbulent world. It offers the gift of the Dharma and Sangha, which we all are committed to offering to all. We know our centre is of profound importance and value to us and can be for countless others long into the future. But to survive and thrive, we urgently need your help.

Our small team of Amlanadhi, Andy, Maitripushpa, Amalavajra and Viryanaga are working hard to claim insurance, schedule repairs, clean the centre and prepare for reopening. At the same time, we need to care for and support Bodhilila. However, we cannot do this alone. With our cash reserves running desperately low and the centre not being open for events, our only income is from those in the Sangha who give regular donations. 

Your centre needs you and now is the time to help! If you care about the WLBC and want to help us repair and reopen:

Please consider making or increasing a regular monthly donation to the centre.
We are asking for £100 per month if you work full-time
or 3% of your income spread out over the year if you work part-time or are retired

If we all do this, then we will be able to reopen the centre again after repairs in September or soon after to continue to offer the Dharma and Sangha to all.
Please give what you can today – and please give as much as you can, 

With a deep bow
Amalavajra, Amlanadhi, Andy, Maitripushpa and Viryanaga

A huge thank you to everyone who has already donate