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A 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, DAC strives to become a thriving, world-class center for the arts in Hawaii by providing display space for local artists and art organizations, workshop classrooms, performances, and more. Help us grow!

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Downtown Art Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Honolulu, Hawaii, with a mission to support local arts and increase the quality of life in our community by providing easier access to creative experiences. Please note that no goods or services will be provided in exchange for your gift. All your contributions are tax-deductible. Mahalo!
Join the DAC Pack and Support Downtown Art Center!

Aloha, friends and DAC ʻohana!
We here at the Downtown Art Center need your support to help the arts in Honolulu.
As the time comes for DAC to make a bid for a new lease with the City and County to continue our work as a long-term public center for the arts, we are calling on all our stakeholders (that means you!) to help us continue as a collaborative center for the arts and a hub of creativity and community support in Chinatown, Honolulu.
DAC began as the seed of an idea, and has been nurtured and supported by the community, our nonprofit partners, local media, and individuals who are passionate about the arts. We not only provide two beautiful, spacious display galleries for local artists and art organizations to hold exhibitions of their work; we also host creative workshops, art classes, musical performances, and more. Downstairs, our DAC Art and Gifts retail shop offers local artists an opportunity to make money doing what they love: creating original artwork.  
As a good neighbor, DAC is dedicated to the revitalization of Downtown and Chinatown Honolulu through culture and the arts, and to supporting the individuals in our community. DAC hosts creative art classes and workshops for adults, children and seniors. We open our doors and offer a space for organizations to stage events like neighborhood cleanups, art festivals, and community improvement projects. DAC is unique in the amount of space, diversity of programming, and community partnerships it offers.

Mahalo for your donation!