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Help change the conversation around animal agriculture

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Sentient Media is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 83-0804345. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
Sentient Media 2022: End-of-Year Fundraising
Edited 12/15/2022
How your donation helps change the conversation

Supporters new and old, thank you for donating to our 2022 end-of-year campaign!

Your support gives emerging writers and advocates the networks they need to succeed.

Björn Ólafsson

When Björn Ólafsson was just starting out as a journalist, he joined Sentient Media’s Writers’ Collective where he found a like-minded peer support group. 

"There's something legitimizing about being in the Writers' Collective, especially as a journalist when you're trying to pitch to publications. You can talk to someone who can say, 'I had a similar struggle 6 months ago and I approached it this way...' it's this inherent learning from each other, and also the validation that the struggle is real."

Björn has since published eight articles for Sentient Media, and edited and fact-checked many more. He continues to create fact-driven reporting that is changing perspectives and raising awareness about the impacts of animal agriculture. 

Your donation supports journalists like Björn, and strengthens Sentient Media's efforts to amplify their voices.