Help women in India facing violence
Zariya connects every woman in India who is facing violence with legal and counseling help for free.
We know how hard it is for a survivor of violence to break the silence and seek help, especially when the violence occurs within the 4 walls of home. The emotionally draining process of searching for help, the monetary costs that it can incur, and the fear of having to reveal one’s identity are only some of the many challenges survivors face. Many remain silent in the face of such daunting hurdles.
But we at Zariya believe that every woman should have easy, safe and free access to help so that she can lead a happy, healthy and just life free of violence. We work around the clock to find the most appropriate professional counsellor or lawyer for the survivor. If this expert doesn’t offer pro-bono services, we cover that cost with the help of your generous donation. We make sure that the survivor is provided for in the best manner possible, never compromising on quality.