The WONCA Young Doctors' Movement (YDM) has created the YDM GLOBAL FUND within WONCA's financial framework. This fund aims to collect donations to assist various activities conducted by the Young Doctors' Movements across the world. The purpose of this initiative is to tackle the significant financial constraints that often deter young doctors in the early stages of their career from professionally engaging in activities like conferences and exchange programs.
Understanding the critical need to encourage and support the next wave of family doctors, the YDM plans to use this fund to offer scholarships and bursaries on a fair and equal basis to deserving young physicians globally.
Transparency and Accountability
The YDM Committee will openly invite applications for available bursaries and will select recipients through a transparent process. Both the YDM Committee and the treasurer are responsible for the fund's proper usage. Lists of bursary recipients will be publicly accessible on the YDM section of the WONCA website. Furthermore, the YDM GLOBAL FUND will undergo an audit by WONCA's auditors, as it is a subset of WONCA's overall accounts.
Small donations are highly appreciated and can make a big difference.
For additional information or questions, please reach out to
Please read the Fundraising Policies and Procedures