Join us in our mission to empower young authors and write the future with Kids Can Write. Your support will make a meaningful impact on underserved communities and help aspiring writers achieve their dreams. Here's how your donation will make a difference:
$20: Provide workbooks to inspire creativity and storytelling while promoting STEM education.
$50: Sponsor two one-on-one tutoring sessions for young authors, including foster care children.
$100: Support the entire journey from storytelling to publication, creating opportunities for self-expression and personal growth.
Additionally, we offer a $500 option to support our international creative writing workshops for underserved communities, expanding our initiatives. Your generous contribution will help us reach more students, including those impacted by:
The Jad Initiative: Empowering cancer patients through storytelling.
The LebLegacy Initiative: Fostering English literacy and storytelling in Lebanon.
The EMPOWER Initiative: Empowering refugees to become published authors.
"Stories that Heal": Providing therapeutic storytelling for incarcerated individuals.
"Memories Unveiled": Honoring seniors' life stories, including those with cognitive decline.
Your donation will enable us to inspire young writers, promote STEM education, and make a positive change in the world. Together, we can write a brighter future for the next generation of authors, foster care children, and communities worldwide.
Donate today and be a part of our mission to empower voices, foster creativity, and create opportunities for young authors in STEM and beyond!