Widening horizons
Did you like the content of the blog? Would you like to read more? It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside when people tell me they enjoyed reading my stuff. It really is priceless to see your thoughts and expressions resonating with someone and/or providing them with some sort of value.
I have always financed my own travels and I do not plan on stopping. Nonetheless, it is nice to see your creations are appreciated and to have something extra on the side. Therefore, your donation will go towards two goals:
A. The Bucket list: donations will be aimed towards the fulfilment of my travel/kitesurfing bucket list. The current top 3 are:
1. St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Caribbean (kitesurfing)
2. Iceland
3. Indonesia (kitesurfing)
Maybe we can go someplace together? :)
B. Widening horizons: Travelling enriches our lives. Everyone should be able to experience some of it, yet there are many who cannot. Thus, a small part of every donation will go to the charity "Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth". Each year, in the context of their programme "Blink to the Sun" they take numerous children from underprivileged and financially distressed families to various (educational, etc.) holidays.
Link: www.zpms.si/en/