Legends Animated is a proud 501c3 fiscal sponsor of Orange Blossom Studios as they create WHEELS & ROSES, a Sailor Moon meets Roller Derby YA animated coming-of-age series. The story centers on protagonist Sahara, and her Magical Roller Derby team WHEELS & ROSES! Set in a world of magic, we follow Sahara (protagonist), Danielle, Nina, Kai, and Bree, as they learn what it means to grow as a team, and overcome all odds to become the champions.
Throughout the series, we'll see how each of our characters learns how to build meaningful relationships and explore who they are as individuals. While most of the show will take place in arenas where bouts (AKA games) will be held, we’d also like to show our characters’ lives, to get a better sense of their different lived experiences. This show is unapologetically queer! Unapologetically soft! As well as unapologetically tough-- 'cause duh, roller derby!
Let's just say this story was created by the power of magical girls and sports anime!!
Orange Blossom's ultimate goal is to make a fully animated series with 22-minute episodes! We have received initial funding via Kickstarter for its pilot episode and depending on how much we fundraise, Orange Blossom may end up creating more episodes, an animated short film, and/or even a graphic novel! The more we fundraise, the more independent animation we can make! We hope you'll be a part of this journey to bring this story to life.