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WHC is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization under the auspices of Living Free Animal Sanctuary. EIN # 95-3628770. All donations are tax-deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your donation.
War Horses for Veterans
An Update on our Storm Damage

In late February 2023, our sanctuary was hit by a heavy snowstorm and we suffered extensive damage to our structures. Two run-in sheds in our corral collapsed.

Our veteran housing, Camp Harris, was also significantly damaged.

We were overwhelmed as we added up the cost of repairs. Upcoming workshops were canceled and all of our horses were crammed into Shed Row where the geldings (Hawkeye, Trapper, Shilo, Dipper, and the donkeys) normally live. While all of our horses were safe in the temporary stalls, we urgently need to replace the damaged run-ins to ensure their continued comfort and protection.

We needed over $30,000 to get back up and running, and we had no time to waste.

As our team got to work with clean-up on site, we reached out to you – our supporters – to help raise funds to cover the repairs. And, boy, did you show up!

The donations poured in on Facebook, through our website and many even sent checks directly to our office. We were overwhelmed with gratitude on behalf of our team, our herd of horses and the veterans we serve.

We’d like to give special shout-outs to a few of the individuals and organizations who really went above and beyond:

  • A local family gave a matching grant of $5,000 for repairs to our horse sheds.

  • Long-time supporter Patti Sanchez heard the news and jumped at the opportunity to help out. She raised money for War Horse Creek as part of her 4x4x48 fitness challenge.

  • We received sizable donations from organizations; Ramko Injection, Fluffy Balls Cookies, Business Aviation Consultants, Inc., Made in Mom Jeans by Darrian Chamblee

As of today, April 4, 2023, we have surpassed the funding needed for repairs with donations from over 100 supporters. We wanted to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you who has donated or spread the word about the needs of War Horse Creek. We couldn’t support veterans without you.

Repairs continue here on-site. Our goal is to be completely up and running for our next workshop, which is targeted to female veterans and scheduled for May 18 - 21. If you are a female veteran who is interested in attending this workshop, be sure to snag a spot! We have a couple spaces left.

In case you are interested, here’s a breakdown of the repairs that are underway:

  • Installing stem walls in our horse stalls. These walls are used to protect the footing in the horse stalls from future flooding.

  • Installing rubber mats to further protect the footing from getting too muddy.

  • Leveling and irrigating the horses’ paddocks to improve drainage.

  • Installing reinforcement walls to the Camp Harris Mess Hall and Bunk Rooms.

  • Replace the ripped back wall of the tenting with wooden reinforcement walls.

  • General clean-up of debris that was blown into Camp Harris during the storms.

  • Replace the mares’ damaged shelters with new run-in stalls. These stalls will be large enough to accommodate all the mares, so they can stay comfortably dry during future storms. We will also be placing these stalls in a different location in the paddock where there will be better drainage.

If you are interested in continuing to support the efforts of War Horse Creek through a donation, please do so here:

Caring for our Horses
The care of our horses is top priority for us. A happy horse is one that enjoys their job and feels good doing it! 
A few weeks ago, our herd enjoyed chiropractic sessions by the wonderfully talented Dawn Fletcher. She was thorough- learning everything about each horse and catering each session to their individual needs.
Dawn and her husband, Thad, were also happy to teach and explain to the War Horse Creek staff about what they did with each the horse. 
After a long day of adjusting and massaging, all our horses are feeling very relaxed. Thank you to Dawn and Thad!

You're Invited: Camp Harris Ribbon Cutting on April 7th at 1:30PM

We're Making Progress on Camp Harris
We wanted to provide you guys with an update on Camp Harris at War Horse Creek! As you may have seen, construction has started. COVID has slowed progress, but we are moving forward. Our goal is to be completed by the end of 2021. 

The pictures below will give you an idea of what we have accomplished. The work is being done mostly by a single volunteer, Steve Callahan, a retired Journeyman carpenter with many years of experience. We are so grateful to Steve for his help.

When completed, we will be able to house 8 veterans and 4 staff for overnight stays. There will be a dining room, kitchen, showers, and restrooms. We’ll keep you posted on our progress!