"DickPic" by Viktorija Naraxsa & Artischocken Kollektiv @ Ost Anders

“DikPic” is a cooperation project of “Techno Theater” and “Theater 18+”, which is represented by the Artischocken-Kollektiv. It starts with a DJ set by Ilya Del and continues with the performance.
“DickPic” is a performance with texts, created by the Gogol School students. The participants got the tasks to register on dating apps with fake accounts.
This resulted in dialogues that make up the performance “DickPic” by Victoria Naraxsa.

These are real conversations about sex, politics and love.

Dickpic as a Performance will be streamed on www.ostanders.de on Sunday, April 19.

Event Info : https://ostanders.de/events/dickpic/
Donation Link :  https://donorbox.org/viktorija-naraxsa-artischocken-kollektiv-ost-anders

All donations are going only to the Artists.
Ost Anders is a non profit project by Kulturverein Studio Eins e.V. in Nuremberg,Germany.