The town of Kapiri Mposhi is on the major through road connecting the northern provinces with the Copperbelt Province and Lusaka, the capital. Three:eighteen have been responding to the needs in Kapiri Mposhi for the past 4 years, through business and education programmes as well as sharing the Good News of Jesus.
As the work of three:eighteen grows, so too do the financial needs.
We currently do not have the funding needed to run our programmes in Kapiri next year. We are asking our supporters to consider partnering with us, to raise the £30,000 needed, to fund the Kapiri Mposhi project through 2025.
We have kindly been offered match funding up to the value of £15,000 for this project meaning that any donation you give will be doubled in value!
As this Christmas season approaches, we would love for you to consider partnering in the work, as we bring empowerment and lasting hope to the people like Humphrey and Francis in Kapiri Mposhi.
Humphrey from Kapiri Mposhi showing off his new uniform and school supplies provided by the three:eighteen staff in Kapiri Mposhi. With renewed confidence and hope, Humphrey is now determined to complete his education and fulfil his dreams of becoming an engineer.
Francis and his friends from the "PEA Corps Investment" Group, after receiving a microloan from three:eighteen. With funding and business training from three:eighteen, they are now running a successful poultry business in Kapiri Mposhi.