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Vacaville Jazz Society Inc is Charitable a 501(c)3 non-profit and all contributions are fully tax-deductible. EIN # 20-0198796
Vacaville Jazz Society's Save Our Music Fundraiser 2023

Our VJS Mission since 1999 has been to help "Save Our Music Arts" by supporting and educating the next generations of Musician Artists in our local communities in Vacaville and throughout the Northbay in Solano, Yolo, and Napa Counties. Your Donation will help our young youths learn the value and benefits of music, a universal language, and help support our yearly VJS Jazz Student Music Camps & Performances directed by former USAF Band of the Golden West, Mr. Mike Williams, and also support our "Free to Public" Vacaville Jazz Festival and held every 3rd weekend of September.   This year we have renowned nationwide Jazz Vocalist Tiffany Austin performing with the Jazz students and USAF Band. 

We have over 30 bands,  ensembles, and vocal groups providing our communities a Multicultural heritage of Jazz, Blues, Rock, Classical, Country, Folk, Latin, and Pop.  Music Unites and supports our freedoms, rights, and liberties. Our Vision is to enrich our community by maintaining a family tradition, a much-needed set of youth outreach programs, and advocating a drug-free/gang-free community through music mentorship. This is a labor of love for local musicians and business owners, who all give of their time and resources to bring quality, family-friendly music art entertainment to the Northbay Residents. 

Our continued mission is to promote the multi-cultural heritage of American Music, educating the public and holding camps, clinics, and concerts to preserve the many forms of  America's Jazz, Classical, Rock, Folk, Latin, and Pop roots. We showcase local talent and youth at our Vacaville Jazz Festivals, supporting charity events and conferences, aiding educators, and providing artists with outlets and resources. We Thank you for your support, donation, and sponsorship this year.