Urgent Need Project: Saint Oscar Romero & Candelaria Catholic Church Building Fund, Chalatenango, El Salvador

Saint Oscar Romero & Candelaria Catholic Church Story: Chalatenango,  El Salvador


Our current urgent project is the completion of building the new Saint Oscar Romero & Candelaria Catholic Church in a rural mountainous village of Chalatenango, El Salvador located in Central America. The community built the original Catholic church by hand made of mud and clay. This original structure became unsafe for parishioners to worship and will be demolished. The parish began building a new more sustainable church in 2018 until funds ran out resulting in the discontinuation of the project. The urgency of the project comes from the rainy season arriving. The severe rains have begun to destroy the foundation and partial construction that has already been accomplished. Time is of urgency to reconstruct and complete building the walls and roof to prevent further damage.

Our goal is to raise $35,000 by April 2020 to continue construction. We aim to complete the project so that the parish members can celebrate Easter 2020 in their new church home.  Our team will be collaborating with local resources in El Salvador to purchase building materials, hire local builders and provide live up to date progress reports. 

The history of these parishioners is one filled with adaptability and unwavering faith. The parishioners from Saint Oscar Romero & Candelaria Catholic Church were originally displaced from neighboring villages because of the building of a hydroelectric power plant called the Cerrón Grande Hydroelectric Dam. It is estimated that 13,000 people were displaced; many rebuilt their communities in neighboring mountainsides. During the civil war of El Salvador (1980-1992) Catholics were persecuted heavily. The patron saint of social justice, St. Oscar Romero, served as a testament to the gravity of this persecution. Romero was murdered while celebrating mass in 1980. Churches became barracks during the war resulting in them being bombed and burned over the period of the 12 year war.

We ask that you consider supporting our urgent project’s goal as well as your prayers this holiday season. Donations can be mailed to Maria’s Mission Los Niños P.O.Box 108, Greentown, OH 44630 or online at https://donorbox.org/urgent-need-project-catholic-church-building-fund-chalatenango-el-salvador Additional information on our organization as well as pictures can be viewed on our website www.mariasmissionlosninos.org

In Community and Service,

The Team at Maria’s Mission Los Niños

Pictures: Current church building progress as of October 2019.

Nuestro próximo proyecto es de terminar la construction de una nueva iglesia Católica que se llamara St. Oscar Romero y Candelaria en las montañas de Chalatenango, El Salvador. La iglesia original fue hecha de barro pero con el tiempo ya no es estructuralmente segura para usar y será demolida. La parroquia empezó la construction de una nueva iglesia en el 2018 hasta que se acabaron los recursos financieros y no pudieron continuar con la construction. Se urge terminar construction ya que viene la temporada de lluvias. El miedo es que la lluvia destruya la fundación y lo que se ha logrado construir.

Nuestra meta es recaudación de fondos de $35,000 para abril 2020 para continuar la construcción.  El deseo es de terminar el proyecto para que los miembros de la parroquia celebren el Domingo de Pascua en su nueva iglesia.  Nuestro equipo trabajará con gente locales en El Salvador para comprar materiales, contratar labor local cuales nos mandaran fotos y reportes de progreso.

La historia de la gente de  esta comunidad es una de adaptabilidad y de una fe en dios inquebrantable. Los miembros de esta parroquia fueron desplazados de sus pueblos a causa de la construction de el Central Hidroeléctrica Cerrón Grande. Es estimado que 13,000 gente fueron desplazados, muchos reconstruyendo sus vidas en las montañas cercanas. Durante la guerra civil del Salvador (1980-1992) los católicos fueron perseguidos por su fe. El santo patrón de la justicia social, St. Oscar Romero fue asesinado celebrando la santa misa. Las iglesias se convirtieron cuarteles militares resultando que fueran bombardeadas y quemadas en la guerra.

Se le pide que considere apoyar nuestro proyecto y por sus oraciones durante esta temporada del dia de gracias y fiestas navideñas. Sus donaciones se pueden mandar a Maria’s Mission Los Niños P.O.Box 108, Greentown,OH,44630 or por la computadora  visite https://donorbox.org/urgent-need-project-catholic-church-building-fund-chalatenango-el-salvador Informacion adicional sobre nuestra organizacion y para ver mas fotos visite el sitio web www.mariasmissionlosninos.org

En Comunidad y Servicio,

Maria A. Anaya

Maria Anaya y el equipo de Maria’s Mission Los Niños

Maria's Mission Los Ninos is a 501 (c)(3) non profit organization. EIN 83-1869269. All the contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services are exchanged in return for your contribution.

Donor Wall1

Anthony Massa` | $20