Unafaa's Educational Programs Overview:
Many orphans have successfully completed their Secondary Education with no plans for sustainable living after 18. Many are left hopeless back on the streets as they are too old to be in the orphanages but lack the tools, education, training, and certificates to be on their own.
The New Hope Campus will be able to provide housing for these individuals as they finish their educational programs for sustainable living.
Traditional Program One:
This program is for individuals who had to drop out of school, did not earn the marks to graduate, or chose this program personally. This will allow individuals to work under the supervision of a business or contractor.
Program Two:
Your sponsorship will be a 2-3 year committee depending on the individual's age, maturity, or lack of understating in their career field choice.
Option One: the individual will start immediately in their education program: a 2-year commitment.
Option Two: the individual will work with Unafaa as an apprentice for 6-12 months before starting their educational program.
This Program allows individuals to work independently.