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Contributions will support the "Tune in to Our Youth" activities, which teach kids valuable life lessons in a safe and enjoyable setting and help keep them out of trouble. We believe that all children, regardless of financial circumstance, should have the chance to participate in theatre, music, and art therapy from an early age and learn different creative expression techniques. Our free programs aim to inspire kids to attend music and art colleges in the future, where they can pursue profitable jobs in the field and break the cycle of poverty.

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The New Generation Committee has not yet received Section 501(c)(3) recognition as a charitable organization. As a result, donations are not exempt from income, gift, or inheritance taxes; however, we intend to apply as soon as we have at least $500 in funding to cover the required costs. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution. Our EIN is 92-3251191.
Tune Into Our Youth

Support Music, Art, and Street Outreach for Underserved Youth!

Join Us in Making a Difference

About Us

The New Generation Committee is dedicated to empowering underserved communities through music, art, and street outreach. Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty, foster unity, and provide essential resources for children and young people in need.

Why Donate?

  • Direct Impact: Your donation funds our music and art therapy programs, offering youth creative outlets to express themselves and grow.
  • Street Outreach: We connect with homeless and at-risk youth, providing essentials like food, hygiene items, and clothing.
  • Preventing Homelessness: By nurturing creativity, we give children the tools to avoid homelessness and street life.
  • Education and Career Development: We encourage early exploration of creative fields, guiding youth toward successful careers in music and the arts.

“Music helped me stay focused and out of trouble. Thanks to the New Generation Committee, I now have dreams of becoming a producer.” – James, age 16

Current Support Needs

  • Laptops: Enable virtual meetings, workshops, and staff communication.
  • Software Subscriptions: Fund tools for online education used in workshops.
  • Recording Studio Sessions: Support more youth participation in our Music Production Workshops.
  • Snacks and Refreshments: Ensure our workshops remain engaging and enjoyable.
  • Printing Costs: Help us provide take-home resources and educational booklets.
  • Transportation: Fund transportation for children to attend workshops.
  • Street Outreach Initiatives: Provide food, clothing, and hygiene kits for homeless and at-risk youth.
  • Instruments and Art Supplies: Provide musical instruments (guitars, drums, keyboards, etc.) and art materials (paints, sketchpads, etc.) for youth to use in our therapy programs.
  • Workshop Materials: Help us purchase necessary equipment for hands-on activities in our music and art workshops.
  • Guest Instructors: Fund the cost of bringing in professional musicians, artists, and mentors to lead workshops and inspire youth.
  • Venue Rentals: Assist with covering the cost of spaces for larger community events, showcases, and workshops.
  • Marketing and Outreach: Help us promote our programs and reach more underserved communities by funding marketing materials and online advertising.
  • Emergency Assistance Fund: Contribute to a fund for urgent needs such as housing support, emergency food, or medical assistance for the youth we serve.

How to Get Involved

  • Donate: Visit our website at The New Generation Committee to make a contribution.
  • Sponsorship: Contact us to explore sponsorship opportunities and partnerships.
  • Spread the Word: Share our mission and flyer with your community and help us reach more supporters.

Where Your Donations Go:

  • $50 covers snacks and refreshments for one workshop.
  • $100 funds transportation for five children to attend our workshops.
  • $500 sponsors a recording studio session for our Music Production Workshop.

By providing these resources, you help ensure that each child can participate in a creative, safe environment that builds skills, confidence, and hope for a brighter future.

Recurring Donations

Become a monthly supporter! Just $25 a month helps sustain our outreach programs and provides consistent support for underserved youth.

Our Mission

We are committed to improving underserved, underfunded, and disadvantaged communities. By collaborating with others, we aim to:

  • Break the cycle of poverty
  • Encourage unity
  • Prevent children from homelessness, street life, and involvement in the criminal justice system

Our music and art therapy programs offer youth early opportunities to express themselves creatively. We believe all children, regardless of financial circumstances, deserve access to these outlets. By participating in music, theatre, and arts therapy, children can pursue lucrative careers and disrupt the cycle of poverty. Our programs also foster personal development in a fun and safe environment, equipping youth with skills to stay out of trouble and thrive.

We believe in the leadership potential within disadvantaged communities and are dedicated to equipping them with the tools to make positive change, promote unity, and help save our youth.

Volunteer Opportunities

Can't donate? You can still make a huge impact by volunteering at our events or helping with outreach initiatives! Contact us to learn more about how you can get involved.

Where Your Contributions Go

Your donations directly support the cost of our programs and administrative fees, including our efforts to obtain 501(c)(3) status. We are actively working toward securing this recognition to ensure that future donations are tax-deductible, allowing supporters to contribute with confidence.
Please note that while we are in the process of applying for 501(c)(3) status, donations are currently not tax-deductible.

Urgent Support Needed!

Help us reach our $5,000 goal by the end of the month to continue providing essential services to youth in need. Your donation today can make all the difference in a child’s life.

Our Mission is to work and contribute to the improvement of underserved, underfunded, and disadvantaged communities. Our objectives and plans for collaboration with others aim to break the cycle of poverty, encourage unity, and promote "change" in these communities to help prevent children from becoming homeless turning to street life or involved in the criminal justice system.   We aim to provide music and art therapy programs to youth in underserved communities, We believe that all children, regardless of financial circumstance, should have a chance to explore different avenues of creative self-expression and participate in our music, theatre, and arts  therapy at an early age. This will  encourage  children to later enroll in music and art schools where they can find lucrative careers in the sector and disrupt  the  cycle of  poverty  Our program's are designed to help  kids learn in a fun and safe atmosphere, while simultaneously giving them vital skills that will benefit them in their daily life and help keep them out of trouble. We believe that there are leaders and change-makers in disadvantaged, underfunded, and underserved communities, and we are prepared to work with them to effect change by providing them with the resource tools they require so that we can successfully work together to help their local communities, promote unity, and save our youth!

Contributions support programme costs and expenses as well as the fees necessary to get obtain 501c3 status

The New Generation Committee has not yet received Section 501(c)(3) recognition as a charitable organization, donations are not exempt from income, gift, or inheritance taxes