Triple Grace Warrior Fund
Support for Harvest Workers and Warriors in need and for Kingdom purposes. These funds are for all chosen vessels for such a time as this and are laid into the hands of our Commander in Chief Jesus Christ.
He alone will distribute them by order to the harvest worker or warrior who requires them.
This is the final call to unite together before we enter our destiny for the Kingdom of God. As co-heirs with Christ we are required to establish this warrior fund and to allow Kingdom purpose to prevail on Earth. This is the personal fund of the Lord himself.
Use the time left until the Feast of Weeks to follow the command of the Lord and to be part of the Triple Grace Warrior Fund.
I pray that all harvest workers and warriors will participate so that we are worthy to stand before the Son of Man and to serve the Father as never before. May the Lord grant you all understanding and an overflowing heart for your new life and destiny.