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Tour Bus Wrap and Repair Fundraiser

For the past few years, the Amazing Acro-cats have seen some dire times. It began with our chief human, Samantha Martin, being diagnosed with, and surviving, cancer. Then, we got hit with the bus scam (that still hasn’t been resolved). Next, the pandemic arrived, and the Acro-cats took a big hit financially since we were unable to tour. Meow, we have been trying to go back out on the road, but since the pandemic still lurks in the shadows, we have had a difficult time raising the funds we normally do while on tour.

If you know about the bus scam, you know that our beautiful wrap was removed, leaving us with an ugly, messy, and unrecognizable vehicle. We know that restoring the bus exterior to its original, glorious beauty will not only raise the spirits of Samantha and the cats, but will also increase our ticket sales. The wrap design is a huge part of our tour promotions. Everyone knows the Acro-cats are in town when they see our bus coming down the street!

In addition to the destruction of the wrap, much of the interior was destroyed and had to be replaced. 
Then the pandemic struck... and we were unable to tour for a year and a half!  When we were finally able to get back on the road, the bus had mechanical issues due to our inability to travel for so long. Buses are made to keep moving and being immobile for an extended amount of time caused some rusting, dry rot and mechanical failures that we did not anticipate. We have amended this fundraiser, to include repairs that were needed and a devastating Texas tour, that further added to our already mounting losses. See our newest update for more information.

By supporting this fundraiser, you will be contributing to the future of our travel across America, and our continuing efforts to educate, rescue, foster, and adopt out cats and kittens, while providing both cats and humans a safe and reliable mode of transportation. Remember, Rock Cats Rescue is a 501c3 nonprofit, so all donations are tax-deductible. Thank mew for donating, and for sharing this fundraiser with your friends and family. We hope to see many of you in purrson again soon!

Before and after photos of the Cat Bus:

We have several "thank mews" available for our generous donors:

For a $50 donation, you will receive an "I support AcroCats" bumper sticker.

For a $100 donation, you will receive an “I Support Rock Cats Rescue” car magnet, and the bumper sticker.

For a $250 donation, you will receive your name on our Thank Mew Wall (located on our website,, plus sticker and magnet.

For a $500 donation, you will receive a purrsonalised Paw Print on the side of the Bus (7" x 7"), plus your name on our Thank Mew Wall (located on our website,, sticker, and magnet.


For a $750 donation, you will receive a larger Purrsonalised Paw Print on the side of the Bus (10 x 10), , plus your name on our Thank Mew Wall (located on our website,, sticker, and magnet. 

For a $1000 donation, you will receive 4 VICP front row, center seats plus everything at $750 level.

For a $2000 donation, you will receive a 12" by 12" business logo on bus exterior, plus your name on our Thank Mew Wall (located on our website,, sticker, and magnet.