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Can you put yourself in somebody´s else no-shoes?

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Hi! We are the No Name Kitchen team in Subotica, Northern Serbia.

The people on the move we meet here often come from Afghanistan, Morocco or Syria. They have walked hundreds or thousands of kilometers, and they will walk many more until they arrive at their journey's end. Between here and their destinations are forests, rivers, mountains, and many cops who take away or break shoes. All of this in winter, when the temperatures at night drop below the freezing point. It's damp, cold, windy and muddy. 

Shoes and socks are a paramount piece of equipment for people on the move. They keep their feet warm, dry, clean, and healthy. Many walk around in socks and flip flops, or in worn out canvas trainers, and in sub-zero temperatures, it really affects the people´s physical and mental health. 

This is the reason why shoes are the most requested item by people on the move. However, we ran out of winter shoes, and we need the funds to be able to buy some proper winter shoes locally, so that we can contribute to the local economy and cut on shipment and transportation costs. 

So simple, so impactful. Can you help us?