The RockOFF! Space
The RockOFF! Space is our acting headquarters, to serve as the creative community safe space where our bands and artists can come together to create & collaborate, network, find resources, record & rehearse, and receive support from our dedicated group of advisors and volunteers. The space will also serve as a venue where our acts can perform or exhibit their creative works for clients and fans!
The space will focus heavily on providing DIY label and management services, including distribution, branding/marketing/promo, and merchandise production, along with retail/merch area for artists and creators to sell their wares, and for musicians to sell branded merchandise, albums, etc. We will sell our branded RockOFF! merchandise and other products (zines, comp albums, printed apparel and accessories, etc) made on site in support of the cause.
Proceeds from sales and shows go to the artists we support, and to promoting and outfitting the space, in order to further the careers of our artists.
Your donation to this project will be essential in creating this amazing space for our bands, performers and artists. With your help we can not only build a stronger community for unrepresented creators in the area, but to provide them with the support, compensation, and resources they would not normally have access to. This project is vital to the health of our local creative community, as venues for their voices to be heard and works to be seen are extremely limited and already overwhelmed with better known artists. We thank you from the bottom of our punk rock hearts for your support in this project! This is something so near and dear to us, and something that I, in particular, have wanted to be able to offer the exceptionally talented bands/artists/performers in our area for quite some time!
Thank you so much!!!!
Creator | RockOFF! Entertainment
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