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Donate to the NewSWU solidarity strike fund, and help all student workers come together at The New School.

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By clicking "next", you confirm that you make this donation from a detached and disinterested generosity, and without receiving or expecting to receive anything in return. If you are a member of any bargaining unit in UAW Local 7902, or any other bargaining unit in UAW, by clicking "next" you acknowledge that this is not a call for any strike or work stoppage in violation of any contract provision, and that any call for a strike made by NewSWU workers is for members of their proposed bargaining unit alone. If you are employed in a managerial or executive position, or as a labor relations expert, advisor, or consultant, by an employer or related entity that: (a) has a collective bargaining agreement with the UAW, or with whom the UAW is recognized or certified as the authorized bargaining representative of its employees, (b) that is the subject of an actual or planned organizing drive by the UAW, or (c) that is engaged in an industry or line of business in which the UAW has traditionally represented or sought to represent or would admit to membership its employees, then you MAY NOT contribute to this fundraising drive, and the New Student Workers Union will not accept any contributions from you.
The NewSWU Solidarity Strike Fund

What is this fund for?

The New Student Workers Union (NewSWU) is seeking recognition from The New School as part of the Student Employees of The New School (SENS) represented by ACT-UAW Local 7902. As part of their concerted activity to gain recognition through a fair election, non-academic student workers seeking representation with NewSWU have authorized a strike which, if called, will take place during the last week of this semester, Spring 2024.

Student workers have authorized a strike, in part, in response to the arrests of several student workers among the 45 students engaged in civil disobedience on Friday, May 3rd. Students were protesting peacefully in support of the demands of the TNS Gaza Solidarity Encampment, which included the demand that TNS stipulate to a fair union election for NewSWU.

The demands of the current strike include the reinstatement of all suspended student workers to full academic standing and work duties, and immediate stipulation to a fair accretion election to allow student workers to join a union. For updates on the strike, please follow NewSWU on instagram.

Your generosity will make it possible for the student workers to meet their day-to-day needs while on strike! Anything helps, and your solidarity will be paid forward. Student worker power!

How is this money distributed?

To be as equitable as possible, we will model our fund distribution after UAW’s Strike Assistance practice. This means NewSWU workers will engage in strike activity to become eligible for strike assistance. However, strike funds will not be distributed until the total fund surpasses $20,000. After this threshold is met, funds will be distributed according to the procedures outlined in this document.

Can SENS members or other members of UAW contribute to this fund?

Yes! Any members of UAW can contribute to this strike fund. 

Can UAW locals contribute to this fund?

Yes! UAW members and locals are invited to contribute to this privately organized strike fund, in the spirit of solidarity and without expecting anything in return. 

What will be done with any additional funds?

Should any funds remain in reserve following the current strike, they will be held to support future potential strikes in the same way and following the same guidelines. All donors will receive an update of any outstanding funds remaining, and how those funds are to be used by the membership of NewSWU. 

Who is organizing this fundraiser?

Members of our community who want to support student workers on campus. This fundraiser is not endorsed or managed by ACT-UAW Local 7902 or the United Auto Workers International Union. If this fundraiser does eventually benefit the union through the infusion of many enthusiastic new members, this will be an incidental outcome, decided by a explicitly separate democratic vote.

Disclaimer 1:

By clicking "donate", you confirm that you make this donation from a detached and disinterested generosity, and without receiving or expecting to receive anything in return. If you are employed in a managerial or executive position, or as a labor relations expert, advisor, or consultant of The New School, or by an employer or related entity that: (a) has a collective bargaining agreement with the UAW, or with whom the UAW is recognized or certified as the authorized bargaining representative of its employees, (b) that is the subject of an actual or planned organizing drive by the UAW, or (c) that is engaged in an industry or line of business in which the UAW has traditionally represented or sought to represent or would admit to membership its employees, then you MAY NOT contribute to this fundraising drive, and the New Student Workers Union will not accept any contributions from you. 

Disclaimer 2:

This is not a call for any members of any UAW bargaining unit, including those included in Local 7902, to engage in any strike or other disruption to work or work duties, in violation of a contract.