The Mississippi Challenge






The Director of the International School Yangon (ISY), Gregory Hedger, and his son, Max, are going to attempt to canoe the entire length of the Mississippi River; 2,400 miles!

Funds raised will be to support two organizations that the school partners with.  One is United World Schools which ISY has already partnered with to build a school in Myanmar. Each year ISY raises money to support the school and money raised from this challenge will go towards ISY's annual financial commitment.

The other organization is the Care for the Least Centre which is an orphanage in Yangon.  Funds raised from this challenge will go towards a new access road, a transformer to allow them to have electricity and a harvester to harvest the rice they grow for food. 

Please note that any donations made are tax deductible in the US and that anyone making donations of $1,000 or more can opt to have their name and/or company logo placed on Gregory Hedger's blog.

The International School Yangon is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 52-1453 555 All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

Donor Wall 35

Alison | $100

Well done Greg and Max !

Marlene | $50

Great job Greg and Max!!!👍😎👍😎

Adrian | $50

Joneen | $100

An amazing effort Greg and Max . Loved following your journey

Todd | $300

We're proud of and amazed at what you and Max have accomplished, making it over half the way! We're happy to donate and support UWS and Care for the Least Centre. Well done both! Todd & Meghan

Angel Andy Annika Saur | $50

We have enjoyed following your journey. It is amazing what you have accomplished on this adventure. Thank you for allowing us to travel along. We are happy to support your cause. Wishing you all the best and many happy paddling days in the future!

Kyaw | $300

Dear Greg & Max , The Mississippi Challenge that two of you is traveling now is lead for good future of Myanmar Children at this difficult time . Congratulations & many to two of you .


Congrats on your progress and your adventure. We'll be tracking you all the way. Max - I've canoed with your dad before...When he's in the stern, you'll keep an eye on him! ;-)

Gregory Von Spreecken | $30

I am watching your site. What a great accomplishment. Greg Von Spreecken


Motor Max, keep up the good work paddling for your dad! Gregory, just keep up the good work :)

Brett Costin | $50

Great journey, love watching the journey.


Robert | $100


SO looking forward to seeing your regular updates, Greg and Max. May your journey be filled with the wonderment of nature and the challenges result in memories for a lifetime.

Tamara Melzer Levenson | $100

Greg you set the example of a wonderful father. What a great adventure to share with Max. Thank you both for raising awareness and providing opportunities for your friends and colleagues to invest in these worthy causes in Myanmar. I hope you build a lifetime of memories while you paddle and you surpass your $50,000 goal.

Gary Engelmann | $100

Holly Bowen-Bailey

I paddled from St. Cloud to Lake Pepin with my teenage kids and husband about 10 years ago, it was a memorable and fun time. Wishing you safe travels. The water level was very high when we traveled. We had to get a ride around most of Minneapolis because the locks were closed to boat traffic because of the flooding. Based on the weather this spring, you may also be starting in some fast and high water conditions. Hoping if you run into obstacles that you find people along the way to help you sort it out. Enjoy!

Cindy and Bob Dunham | $50

What a fabulous adventure for father and son. Looking forward to following your trip on the Mighty Mississippi.

Jim Roussin | $50

What an adventure! Enjoy!

Ron & Jeanne Hedger | $200

We are pleased to support this wonderful endeavor. We look forward to hearing about the trip from Greg and Max.

Lorelei | $100

I love a good adventure, and love the causes you have attached to this, also. Myanmar is near and dear to my heart. Best wishes with your father-son journey. I'll be following the story. :)

Adrian | $100

Fabulous adventure, good luck!

Dustin Hedger | $100


What a great adventure! Have fun!

Mark Harrison | $100

A great adventure and a better cause.

John Shepard | $100

Greg and Max: wishing you all the best on this great adventure--onward!

Ronda and Mitch | $100

Looking forward to hearing more about your grand adventure!

Jayne | $100

Yes you can go the distance! Best of luck, Jayne and Steve

Barry | $50

Kaija and Ryan | $100

So proud of Dad and Max for taking on this gigantic adventure and for supporting children in Myanmar.