The Million Mile Project






Hey! Thank you for your support in my efforts to raise 5K for a special cause! This nonprofit organization's purpose is dear to my heart is helping fill a huge need in todays word. Please read below and consider donating. 

The healing journey of a million miles begins with one step. 


The Million Mile Project’s mission and purpose is to meet those struggling with substance use disorder and mental illness, to walk journey with each person for a million miles and more. 


In 2021, an estimated 107,622 people died of a drug overdose in the United States. That’s a 15% increase from 2020 of 93,655. Getting help is challenging due to the lack of financial resources as well as healthcare inadequacies. According to SAMHA, 90% of those who struggle never get the help they need. The challenges they face post treatment is why relapse is so common.


For example, stress is the number one cause of relapse they face when piecing their lives back together. For most, they feel it is "easier" to use again than face the uphill battle ahead of them.


The Million Mile Project supports people at whatever stage they are on in their journey. By providing tools, resources, and community support around connection, education, health, healing, and structure, The Million Mile Project empowers and restores hope for others by leading them to a successful life in recovery. We walk with each person from start to freedom, for a million miles and more. 


Every year more lives are lost to addiction, but hope isn’t a million miles away. It’s right here at the starting line with you. 


You have the power to transform individuals' lives. Each gift directly supports our mission to provide professional support, consistent daily self-work, guidance, and resources to help our community members rebuild step-by-step. 


Thank you so much for your generosity and support as we reach our BIG goal of $50,000! Your gift truly is helping those that we serve walk the million miles toward healing and recovery.




As a 501(c)(3) all donations are tax deductible.

The Million Mile Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and contributions are tax-deductible.