The Million Mile Project

The healing journey of a million miles begins with one step. 


The Million Mile Project’s mission and purpose is to meet those struggling with Substance Use Disorder, to walk the journey with each person for a million miles and more. 


In 2021, an estimated 107,622 people died of a drug overdose in the United States. That’s a 15% increase from 2020 of 93,655. Getting help is challenging due to the lack of financial resources as well as healthcare inadequacies. According to SAMHA, 90% of those who struggle never get the help they need. The challenges they face post treatment is why relapse is so common.


For example, stress is the number one cause of relapse once faces when piecing their life back together. For most, the uphill battle before them is so steep, with roadblocks at every turn, that the desire to use again grows even stronger.


The Million Mile Project supports people at whatever stage they are on in their journey. By providing tools, resources, and community support around connection, education, health, healing, and structure, The Million Mile Project empowers and restores hope for others by leading them to a successful life in recovery. We walk with each person from start to freedom, for a million miles and more. 


Every year more lives are lost to addiction, but hope isn’t a million miles away. It’s right here at the starting line with you. 


You have the power to transform individuals' lives. Each gift directly supports our mission to provide professional care, ongoing mentorship, guidance, and resources to help our community members rebuild step-by-step. 


Thank you so much for your generosity and support. Your gift is truly helping those that we serve walk the million miles toward healing and recovery.


The Million Mile Project


As a 501(c)(3) all donations are tax deductible.

The Million Mile Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and contributions are tax-deductible.

Donor Wall22

Jodi Feldman | $52.37

Michele Zeller | $50


I became aware of your mission through my friend Sharon. I love the hearts of this community of people that are dedicated to helping free people from the bondage of addiction.

Michta Cynthia | $50


I am so proud of the effort you have put forward for such a great project. Substance-abuse is such a problem in our world today. Keep up the good work.

Mark Mosch | $500/Q

Tavares Robinson | $50

I support such an amazing cause!

Bridals By AbbyKay Caudill


Danielle Ballard | $26.27

Breeding Contracting & Consulting, LLC | $311.84

Unity is key

Sarah Avery | $50

So thankful for this project as I have seen several close ones struggle with addiction and loved ones lost! Hope you reach your goal! God bless


Tyler Donati | $26.41

Brannon | $52.32

LeeAnn Novak | $26.41

Lauren, you are amazing and doing amazing things!! 🥰

Niki Tran

Lenna Breen | $25

Lauren, you are amazing and doing amazing things, love Mickey and Bert

Mary Jane Muller | $100

John & Jane Williams | $519.52

Thank you both for starting this much needed initiative!

Sean Binkley | $104.12

Can't wait to see how you can go with this LBC. You are one of the most caring and hard working people I know. You got this!

Amanda Coronado