The Medicine is You
Healing Fund
We all know someone who struggles with day-to-day living, finding themselves in despair and discouragement. None of us are new to seeing how depression, trauma, anxiety, chronic illness, and other mental illnesses can affect someone’s behavior and outlook on life.
Because mental health therapy is not customarily recognized as a primary healthcare need, many womyn, primarily BIPOC, find themselves paying “out of pocket” for services. Many others are financially unable to get the help they need and continue to struggle and suffer. Due to widespread social inequalities putting them at the lowest earning rung of the ladder, BIPOC womyn find themselves faced with this dilemma disproportionately. Additionally, those who are able to access mental health care frequently find themselves unable to find the right practitioner – a therapist of color. With only 16% of therapists in the U.S. being people of color this can be difficult and overwhelming (Reina Sultan: The Mental Health Industry Fails Women of Color).
Finding a therapist who is culturally responsive to your needs is an essential part of the healing process to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.
The Goddess Commune and Urban Health Group, LLC have collaborated to assist womyn who are seeking mental health therapy but are unable to finance it. "The Medicine Is You" Healing Fund will offer BIPOC womyn mental health stipends to pay for services with a BIPOC practitioner. Our unique design will allow womyn to select from a wide group of therapists and holistic healers from our pool of gifted Medicine Womyn and Licensed Mental Health Therapists.
To implement this program, we have set our fundraising goal for 2021 at $20,000. Your contribution will help to support up to 12 womyn during the year to receive up to 12 sessions of therapy each.
We believe that you understand the dire need to lift up our sisters so that our community thrives during this challenging period and beyond. Your tax deductible donation can be sent directly to The Goddess Commune through Donorbox.
Our Tax ID# is 52-2415027
Thank you in advance for your generous contribution.