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The Majority Youth Outreach Fund

Polls indicate that as many as 79% of 16- to 24-year-olds and 68% of 25- to 34-year-olds say they would support Scottish 'independence'. Indoctrination in schools and culture is rife.

Over the next few months, The Majority will be reaching out to Young Scots to get them engaged and involved in rejecting nationalism. We particularly want to support those who are not comfortable with the Scottish nationalist establishment.

Our first program will be a contest to find Scotland's best young writers, artists, photographers and creatives, who will present their work, based on the themes of friendship, unity and tolerance across the UK. We hope that, by giving substantial prizes, that we can attract and support young people, who will also see thier work profiled on The Majority's website, social media channels and beyond. 

If you can help in other ways, such as organising exhibition space, or helping judge entries, please contact us at

Any funds beyond the target will be used for future outreach programs, such as starting student and youth groups. Thank you for your donations.